How to remind yourself that you’re not a streamer playing with Blizzards blessings almost every match. Play a deck with only two minions and draw one of them by turn 3 every game. It really magnifies the problem with normal casual players, they don’t have the same draw, the same coincidental luck. I’m fishing for one card every game, while the other guy undoubtedly has both copies of the same card needed to win a game EVERY TIME. This deck only shows that on a greater scale. I find myself saying ‘theres no way he has the second one’ while I’m on turn 7 looking for one single copy. I’ve uninstalled HS multiple times over this single concept, only to come back thinking the normal thought of ‘its really just luck’. Remember Soularium, the only memories I have of that card is it being bottom 3 almost every game. Hard not to think these matches are planned out.
How to remind yourself that you’re not a streamer playing with Blizzards blessings almost every match. Play a deck with only two minions and draw one of them by turn 3 every game. It really magnifies the problem with normal casual players, they don’t have the same draw, the same coincidental luck. I’m fishing for one card every game, while the other guy undoubtedly has both copies of the same card needed to win a game EVERY TIME. This deck only shows that on a greater scale. I find myself saying ‘theres no way he has the second one’ while I’m on turn 7 looking for one single copy. I’ve uninstalled HS multiple times over this single concept, only to come back thinking the normal thought of ‘its really just luck’. Remember Soularium, the only memories I have of that card is it being bottom 3 almost every game. Hard not to think these matches are planned out.