Ricardo45's Comments
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (December 2024)
And for context.. i have played every single warrior deck there is. None of them over an average of 50 games can compete against the like of priest, mage, rogue and demon hunter… when are we going to see a warrior deck feature in the top list???????
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (December 2024)
It is an absolute joke that the Warrior class has been left in the dark. I have not seen a single warrior deck featured as a top beat deck in over a year. There is not a single decent warrior deck that competes and there has not been in a long time… what the F*** blizzard? All the other classes are OP and Warrior is absolute sh*te!
It is super annoying because warrior is my favourite class to play but every single expansion, warrior gets average cards while others get amazing cards…
I don’t understand why they can’t give warrior some.decent cards so it can compete…. makes the game unenjoyable!
It’s absolutely sh*t… not a single warrior deck has listed on here in suchna long time. Warrior (a long time ago) had a really good time with control warrior. It was OP so it seems blizzard are now making warrior sh*t and seem to have abandoned it entirely. Not a single warrior deck can compete anymore and as a warrior player, it has absolutely ruined my enjoyment of the game… i literally just concede immediately to every class other than demon hunter, which it can win about 1 in 5 times, which is better than the 1 in 10 times it wins against all the others… really bad how they’ve just abandoned warrior