ReliusRemyRezar's Comments
Bazaar Burglary
Well, i wasn’t expecting gold since the previous Quest we got was bunker buster broken, but come on, i mean is not bad, is just a ok-ish quest that must be play optimaly – at least in my theories – (And it took me around 5 hours of theory crafting for it) to run a thief Rogue deck, mix or without spectral cutlass, don’t mistake my words, this certainly is a weapon 20 times better for removal than a 2/2 with poison, is just too late by the time you get it with out playing in un optimal anti tempo ways, and there is still the trouble of random no sinergy cards briking in your hand, at some points you get the goods and you play another class caards on tempo, and other times i wish i had mountain giants in my deck, there is no middle ground most of the time.
SO, i will see how it goes, i will try to make it work since Rogue is desperate for ways to not die, and we still need to see how better-rogue i mean hunter Quest is.
Bazaar Burglary
I love howyou started with “Have you actualy played a Cutlass deck?”, that applies a lot to people here commenting about dead decks like they are viable.
Bazaar Burglary
he said, “love to play”, and he is right, and you deserve a slap for that comment
Bazaar Burglary
Don’t worry, it doesn’t seem to aim to a competitive point, mostly a tier 2 alternative to tempo rogue, if the gods bless us.
Activate the Obelisk
In Rogue defense, Miracle is da way, but is just a more believer way to play tempo.
Activate the Obelisk
I am not discusing the power of the reward, mostly my sarcastic coment was around the completion “cost” of said quest:
If we take the relative non official and purely theorical examples of this costs:
A card (Draw or expend based on negative or positive effects): would be equivalent to 1/1 stats, 2 life, or 1 mana crystal.
This leaving the initial raw card and mana spend as 1.5, warlock requiring 21.5 to complete and play the quest, Priest a 9, with is lower than my initial thought.
Now for your points, with by the way is hard to know what are you talking about in some:
[+ Indeed, that’s what the Quest is about…]
+ Glad you see this my way, so it remains as a + in my and your book, even if i am more oriented into late game since this kicking on mid game would mean a perfect math up and perfect hand/draws to complete it on turn 5 (Going second: t1: Quest, t2: Q. Adventurer/ N. Enginer/L. hoarder, t3: Sense demon t4: 2 Q. Adventurer/ N. Enginer/L. hoarder, T5: Soularium + Plot twist + Q. Adventurer/ N. Enginer/L. hoarder.) with seems rather… hope full
[+ Yes, but not only. It also has the potential to be a fiery combo…]
– This comment is hardly related to my Rafaam +, ¿why anexing this to it? now it comes to mind how unreliable is deck discounting as a combo way, let’s remember Joybuzz, a card who was hyped by the people as a combo maker by excelent, reduced to meme youtube videos, and a decent card in expensive heavy battle cry minions, and this on a deck that will draw like crazy for the Quest, will likely draw what you aim to discount, with makes this look to me as a -.
[+ The more the game goes on…]
^ With helps to support my first positive point, and yours, ¿why wasting another space?
[+ With Plot Twist, that you can increase the odds of drawing…]
– I seem to rather see the tools warlock has, unless you take multiple uses of a loss in tempo from the hero power as a multiple tool, i stated all warlock specific draw cards, and this goes along my negative in requirent in a forceful way plot twist in order to complete this quest.
[+ Plot Twist Warlock is already a thing..]
^ Indeed, but this is alos a plot twist related issue, with could be along your previous statement, don’t wasting exttra space, also yes, is a bad thing, hardly playable, and lacking in one way lategame, with the Warlock quest help, but not the point since this si a more plottwist deck related comment instead of the cost completion of said quest with was my main point, also, if we see mulligan effects on a game with more experience on them, say yu-gi-oh, were they have 2 a partial mulligan (Magical Mallet), and full (reload), with a fast search you can see both do poorly, exactly like plot twist here for the innate nature of losing a card for no effect.
[– Perhaps, but there are other, alternative ways …]
+I intentionally ignored neutral draw sources for my previous evaluation, with in a way you got over me, and i will heavily experiment with them, but my dessicion was to evaluate in a 1 vs 1 class restricted scnario the tools for completing the quest cost since there is also generic healing on the pool of cards.
[– I wouldn’t say that most decks in the meta are aggro right now…]
I said aggresive, not aggro, a prime example how Rogue can be an aggresive tempo deck (Forced mostly) but is not an Aggro deck, so a handful of midrange decks fall on aggresive, and control along combo being the opposite, and let’s answer your question, let’s see this same page best standard decks on tier 1:
Bomb Hunter; Aggresive
Murloc Shaman: Aggresive
Overload Shaman; Aggresive
Bomb Warrior; Control, but bombs and Dr. Boom both hero and minion, are counters in way of the deck.
Mid range huunter; Aggresive
Mech paladin; A mix of both, but goes into the aggresive more ofthen than not.
Token druid: Aggresive.
Tier 2:
Cyclone mage: Midrange and aggresive.
Secret Hunter: Aggresive
Control warrior: Control (first)
Tempo rogue: Aggresive
Zoo warlock: Aggresive
Conjurer mage: Midrange aggresive
Freeze mage: Control (second)
Mech hunter: Aggresive
Bazooka paladin: Conmbo (Third).
Activate the Obelisk
Well you see, i am a biased person andhhate paladin so i don’t care, and they got one class reborn :derp:, but paladins must endure hardships.
Now back to my other bias, let’s see objectively the pros and cons of warlock and priest Quest:
Warlock: On his own card restrictions so far;
+Helps to discount heavy cost cards
+Makews the legendary minions from Rafaam, into playable more flexibe cards
– Force you into building your deck with 1 specific card on it, and said card is not doing well right now.
– Is a late game mechanic with a requirement not implemented in a small amount of cards, most of them restricted (Sense demons requires to play such, Death coil killing a minion, soularium discarding your cards ussually a good card, but a dead end if you main focus is a pure control and only sinergy is plot twist for the weak effect of going -1 in cards with it).
– Requires a big amount for the relatively cost of the resourse (if we take the basic idea a card is valued in 2 hp)
-The aggresive nature of most decks this expansion punish warlock for being greedy on card draw from his hero power.
Priest: On his own card restrictions so far;
+Both are mechanics seen in priest over the time.
+Sinergy with cards already used in some priest variations (Healin circle in the main draw engine and versatility, Divine Hymn took the place of healing circle or along it in some builds being an improved version of a good card, Holy nova being good rn as the most early way accesible to clear a board of small minions, Holy fire has seen better days so is not in the actuallist but still worth mention)
+The mechanic has proven to be at least tier 2 (Buff or combo)
+The aggresive nature of the decks right now make this a valid deck in theory, still to be prove on test
+A lesser requirement for completing the quest.
– Is a late game mechanic
-Requires damage on bord or faces in order to work, making it relatively more weak in control match up
Wretched Reclaimer
meh, warrior is already a tier one, why care for how broken is his broken-ness, i rather hate new cards, than falling sleep while playing against a new MAYBE broken warrior, rather than an already broken warrior?
Sahket Sapper
Well, Epics will be fun for rogue, The rare ones are just generic pain for rogue so i am used for it, we still have 1 common that i HOPE is another lackey generator, and the quest.
Well more bs for shaman to play around, and maybe will have the zilliax effect, not so sure since lack of lifesteal+Taunt if you go for the combo of rush+shield.
Flame Ward
Well, i will be raging the same amount i always rage against mage, but now may be slightly less biased.
Flame Ward
Mage didn’t had answers for almost everything already? oh yeah, there was this tiny spot at 3 mana to murrder aggro instead of freezing it.
Sahket Sapper
Well you place too much specifics into the table, sure, i will experiment the heck out of her because pirate, but as a Rogue player, this is just a maybe card at best in a lot of ACTUAL scenarios, would be heavy dependant on what this new meta turns out, but your optimism hurts.
Also, Tempo was lacking decent 1 cost cards to make the 3 mana combos work if coin didn’t allow you to get the so desired lackeys.
King Phaoris
I would say the only deck with enough bs to allow themselfs this card is shaman, and that is stretching it.
Wretched Reclaimer
I would say “broken i hate it”, but i need to see how is the interaction between this and reborn first hand.
Wrapped Golem
Well, Paladin is not totally f-k out, maybe it was just agresive make out outside the restaurant.
Pharaoh Cat
Cool in the fun way, not the optimal one, Tess is fun, but burgle rogue can affort to susrvive if the enemy got weapon destruction or bad rng on the steal, still insta craft, best girl in hearthstone, Hooktusk is a strong tempo but came along some clunky pirates to run, along an over costed cannon barrage, i mean it works but is more clunky that it should be, stil insta craft best pirate in hearthstone, and braon honestly, would be broken in another class, but is fine in rogue because the best option would almost always be crown thanks to rogue innability to survive long enough for a really nice tolbin/wand play, and the monkey is a desperado, the worst thing is, the crown being as broken as it is, in rogue the increase of class discovery makes it just a fine card, you know 2/2 face collector/edwin/gral, 4/2 Myra, our best pulls on that chance are 6/6.
Then i am here hoping for another legendary after Anka was such a dissapointment, still gonna insta craft her, best giggle bags in hearthstone, but will be just a 4/4 to make even worst zarogs crown.
So yeah, rogue is fun even if is a worst warrior in a way to speak.
I must inquire, are you a girly mage, or a manly paladin, so i can answer Yeah., or ¡Oh Yeah!