Hey Thanatos. I haven’t played the druid build, but presumably you draw through your deck with the multitude of draw spells. Then, between Lightning Bloom + Innervate + Nourish you can generate 9+ mana allowing you to cast your Malygos and then dump your hand of damage spells into your opponents face. Just make sure you don’t use BOTH copies of Nourish to draw, or you lose that first turn OTK ability.
Is there a command to search by in the collection manager that will display only recently modified cards?
Any quick way to sort out all of the nerfed cards to ensure I’ve dusted them all?
Hey Thanatos. I haven’t played the druid build, but presumably you draw through your deck with the multitude of draw spells. Then, between Lightning Bloom + Innervate + Nourish you can generate 9+ mana allowing you to cast your Malygos and then dump your hand of damage spells into your opponents face. Just make sure you don’t use BOTH copies of Nourish to draw, or you lose that first turn OTK ability.
Good luck!