Red Mist's Comments
TinSonSay's Odd Clone Priest (February 2019)
Yeah. It is not one of the stronger decks but it is still fun and annoying for the opponent.
This isn’t a great deck but it is a fresh deck from all the Mecha thun Druids and hunters. I am tired of always facing them
TinSonSay's Odd Clone Priest (February 2019)
Upgraded hero power helps your big minions to stay alive and do massive damage. It becomes really hard for the opponent to remove them and you can always regenerate them
Future Proof Aggro Mech Hunter
Since most of the minions are Mechs, you can add another wargear and couple of Mechs with deathrattles.
You could also use Galvaniser instead of Florist if you have that card.