Reck1essNinja's Comments
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (December 2024)
By playing it wrong, I’m referring to Luna’s pocket Galaxy, dragonqueen and power of creation in combo with dragon caster, also tortollan pilgrim comboed with a high cost spell to wipe their board or add to your own (power of creation again) all of these should establish heavy board presence by then and provide plenty of targets on your side alone should Reno manage to drop a pyroblast.
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (December 2024)
I play mostly mage and over the years have rarely seen it crack the tier 2 list and I find it rather irksome as I usually have pretty decent success, admittedly maybe because I’m not too high up the ladder. I’m just left confused how a deck can be a strong matchup against everything other than 1 class (Hunter), by your own words it is quite successful in tournaments after banning Hunter, and yet be second to last on this list. Granted that may keep it out of top tier 1 decks, or even the bottom, but second to last? That seems to be pretty low. “Pray to the RNG gods”? To play Reno it’s turn 10 (9 under certain circumstances) if you don’t have any board presence yet, you’re playing the deck wrong. There should be many minions on your side of the field by now, probably your opponent too so for that random spell to be A) a pyroblast and B) thrown at yourself, that’s just highly unlikely.
Quick edit: I overlooked the board wipe that is the Amazing Reno in my early comment. You should be able to create the board presence after you drop Reno. At most you should have one turn where you are vulnerable to that highly unlikely pyroblast.