rebenitez1802's Comments
Spellbook Duel - Tavern Brawl
i forgot the frostbolt for the burn.
the full list is:
Arcane Missiles
Mirror Image
Arcane Blast
Sorcerer’s Apprentice
Frost Nova
Ice Block
Volcanic Potion
Emperor Thaurissan
Gadgetzan Auctioneer
Spellbook Duel - Tavern Brawl
i find out a lock-up combo with mage,
the cards that it is really important are:
sorcerer’s apprentice, Gadgetzan Auctioneer, 1 mana spell (arcane misiles), and ice block
then you can go infinite in turn 8 or 7 or 6 with emperor depend if you have the coin
the you can always discover for free and play any other 0 mana spells try to have your ice block up, and then always have another to play next trun.
the rest of the cards are board control and not diying
frost nova, volcanic poison, arcane blast (1 mana good for combo), mirror images, frost nova.
it is hard to pull out but once you do it your opponent hardly can do anything, i just beat hunter on 1 life and play like 3 or 4 turns after.
Tavern Brawl - The Dark Wanderer - Strategy & Example Decks!
also if the king hits fatigue, the game ends, even if he still have health.
Tavern Brawl - The Dark Wanderer - Strategy & Example Decks!
you can go easily infinite with jade druid, just swap one living roots with worgen infiltrator to cover the stealth secret.
i loose beacuse king was in 1 health and play wrath guard and suicide it next turn, so dont attack face in secret level if you want to go infinite.
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (January 2025)
I think the link to the druid murloc deck is broken.
Celestial Dreamer
With jade golems you dont need too much board pr winning position, just At the right turn you can summon a 5/5 golem for 1 mana and then play this…
Unlicensed Apothecary
Waht of you play this and next turn play Violet illusionist??
You recive the first 5 dmg and then you’re inmune??
imagine to give windfury to Finja…. I like this card.