qwerty019283's Comments
Boomsday Legend Token Druid - #90 (Quatro)
saronite is ok, but the 2 strongshells are too niche and makes the deck much less reliable. prof. floop also is only for a combo deck, not token. Most tokens are generated by spells not minions. the ooze is also a bit suspect, but may be good against a tempo mage meta. no oaken summons weakens this a lot. overall pretty much worse than the original.
Budget Token Druid Deck List Guide (Rastakhan's Rumble)
1. ice lance is wild
2. oaken summons can cheat them with 4/7 stats
Odd Rogue Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
Love this deck, but I think assassinate is a more reliable substitute than plague scientist. Wolfrider can semi replace Leeroy too. Also against paladin you need to trade. Your minions trade well with 1/3 and 1/2 against 1/1s. You really need to prevent those bug value turns such as lost in jungle, hero power and level up in turn 8. I once traded 5/3s into 1/1s to force him to rebuild his board every turn instead of buffing those silver hands, and won after a ton with fungalmancer buffed minions
engineer is pretty bad, most if all budget lists run auctioneer