Pseudo's Comments
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (January 2025)
Dude calm the hell down, it’s one legendary and it doesn’t matter. I tried playing priest and it turns out it’s not very good or fun atm.
Teron Gorefiend
A lot better than people expected, is used in some tier 2 decks. Because spell breaker went to HoF, silence hasn’t really been a big worry, so resummoning minions is actually really powerful.
Best used in face hunter, really powerful but can be a bit slow, 4/5 stars.
I’m not insulting you and it is a joke, you reasoning was very valid actually, but again, hearthstone proves us wrong.
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (January 2025)
Another thing, I have seen madam Lazul in a lot of highlander priest decks, do you think it’s required/Good to put in (I accidentally disenchanted mine).
Highlander Priest - #3 Legend (NAGON) - Outland
Is madam Lazul required? What’s a good replacement?
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (January 2025)
I’ve been playing my own variant of resurrect priest, it’s got galakrond but no upgrades (priest needs to have a constant flow of minions and it’s normally used in the real late game after you have played your big spells). It contains also reliquary of souls, which is very nice as the upgraded version is extremely powerful in the deck if you draw it quick enough.
Reliquary of Souls
I have played this card during the expansion, extremely fun and actually very powerful, the prime I thought wouldn’t be that strong, but in resurrect priest, it actually is a perfect fit, you can just stall the game with this card and gain an INSANE amount of health
Also, Psyche splitting this while it has grave runes is OP, you get 2 2/5s with a deathrattle of summon 2 more copies, absolutely love this card.
Divine shield and windfury was used more than divine + taunt. Most people either used siamat to clear one huge minion or set a huge threat on the board. It’s really fun just playing him.
Warglaives of Azzinoth
There’s actually a glitch, when the weapons destroyed, your hero may attack again. If this is gonna stay, you could do a combo where you get your hero to 15 attack (honestly, it’s not hard) then just attack the opponent with this when it has 1 durability left, and attack again (but make sure you have an extra 3 attack, as when the weapon is destroyed, you will lose that).
Ashes of Outland Theorycrafting Deck Lists - New Builds For Every Class!
Do you think shaman actually has a chance of making the meta?
Prince Keleseth
Man, this card rating lol. Everyone thought it was going to be bad until they realised how op a 2 mana buff your ENTIRE deck was.
Thank god this is now in wild, it was so op yet so fun.
Lady Vashj
I have seen many “highlander shaman” decks, if that works, then this card is a definite fit into the deck. (I just hope highlander shaman becomes a thing).
The Lurker Below
If neither are right, it’s just fire elemental but deal 3-6 damage, so 3/5
The Lurker Below
Ok, I have a few questions for the card.
1) After you deal 3 damage to a minion, kill it, then kill another, will it’s battlecry go off on another adjacent minion?
2) Do you get to pick which adjacent minion? It doesn’t specify in the card text.
If (1) is right, then it’s 4/5, if both are right, then its 4.5 or 5/5
Descent of Dragons Balance Changes - Shaman Nerfs Coming Next Week!
I agree with everything EXCEPT galakrond hero power, summon a 1/1? That is literally just a worker hero power than warlock. They will not affect the hero power or the card in any way, if they do, shaman galakrond will become too weak to even be PLAYED.
Descent of Dragons Balance Changes - Shaman Nerfs Coming Next Week!
Summon 2 2/2 minions does not sound good at all, the rest of the galakrond can be used pre invoked, but getting rid of rush will just ruin the card.
Descent of Dragons Balance Changes - Shaman Nerfs Coming Next Week!
Goru might become 8 mana or so, he is extremely powerful at the moment (or change the 8 mana twinspell to 9 mana or so.)
Also, I disenchanted her to craft an actual tier 1 deck, since I packed Hanar and a lot of the secrets, I decided to disenchant her to make a good deck, rather than a priest deck that takes about 30 minutes to complete one game rather than 10.