Pommesfee's Comments
StanCifka's Hemet Secret Mage (November 2017)
Token decks are what now? Literally almost every deck that’s not Razakus priest right now is what I consider a token deck (tokens as in small minions swarming the board). Aggro druid, Keleseth warlock and Keleseth rogue are all such decks that flood the board early one way or another. To a lesser extent (because not as commonly played anymore) evolve shaman falls under that same category that mage struggles with. How you can say these decks are not common right now is completely beyond me.
Updated: Mryagut's Legend Vanish Valeera Miracle Rogue (September 2017)
Just hit legend with this, climbing from rank 4 to legend with only one loss inbetween. Fantastic deck.
Hotform's Tempo Mage (January 2017, Season 34)
Hotform gave up on the deck yesterday, after dropping down to rank 5 and then spending the whole day on rank 4. He said it’s a good enough deck to climb to rank 5 but he won’t try to get legend with it anymore for now.
Hotform's Tempo Mage (January 2017, Season 34)
If you make it to turn 7 against aggro, you usually win anyway. The earlier turns are much more important against the aggressive decks or they just kill you turn 5/6. That was his basic idea behind not including it and I can see the point.
Shadowform, Reno and N'Zoth oh my!
I created the deck before Kharazan came out and because it performed well, I didn’t really feel the need to change anything so far. I did consider Onyx Bishop and Barnes already though but soon thought Barnes would not be good enough (“only” roughly 60% of the minions would be good to pull out of the deck which isn’t consistent enough for me). Bishop on the other hand could really shine I guess. Just have to make room for it and try it out. At 5 mana though, it’s hard to cut something of the same mana cost (both board clears and the healing guy are pretty important to the deck) so you would have to either cut some early game or some late game finishers for the Bishop.
Shadowform, Reno and N'Zoth oh my!
Cards that I tested and ultimately didn’t make the cut:
Auchenai Soulpriest + Circle of Healing
Forbidden Shaping
Northshire Cleric
Confessor Paletress
Wild Pyromancer (not enough spells overall)
Twilight Summoner
Nexus-Champion Saraad
Whispers of the Old Gods Officially Announced Release: April 26th, 2016
They said in one of the first Q&A’s that your current rank will be transferred into both Wild and Standard and you can / have to rank up seperately from there on.
Dragon Storm
I used Dragon Druid shortly after the first two wings of LoE were out and piloted the deck as high as rank 1 in the November 2015 season. I quickly removed the Nourishes though, they always felt slow and while the card draw is nice, you often find yourself with nothing to play on that turn which sets you back on the board and as a druid you usually lack the comeback mechanics to fight back from behind.
That being said, I always played 2 Big Game Hunter in this deck because of how hard it is to deal with a Dr. Boom or several Giants, Mal’Ganis or Ragnaros. Even against aggressive decks like Hunter or Zoo, it’s still a good tempo play on turn 3 and against decks with BGH targets you definitely want to have one in hand as soon as it hits the board because it’s difficult to deal with those otherwise.
Also, three 9-drops seems a bit too much. I found myself already struggling with only two (Ysera and Alex) and instead of Nefarian I had a Chillmaw. Three of those finishers are a bit too greedy for my taste.
Deal Your Fate - Tempo Mage
I used Tempo Mage for this brawl too. You could say this deck is *puts sunglasses on* completely bananas.
Reno and Elise's hunt for the Golden Monkey
Onyxia is not mandatory, swap it for any other big finisher like Ragnaros, Ysera, maybe Nefarian. Or go for more tech-y cards like Big Game Hunter, Mind Control Tech, maybe Healbot if you feel like you need more heal until you get to Reno. That’s the good thing about Reno decks mostly, nothing is set in stone and you can swap in and out almost whatever you like.
Naiman's EU Winter Prelims 2016 Tempo Mage
This looks almost exactly like the list I used to get to legend last season. Swap a Flamecannon for Forgotten Torch and Duplicate for the second Mirror Entity (people tend to not play around the second one, nowadays) and you have my list. Don’t know where all the new lists without any Mirror Entity and without Antonidas come from, lately. The deck is really really strong as it is.
Sjow's Season 23 Secret Paladin
I don’t think people give this deck -1 for being different. Because it isn’t, people have been including Ragnaros for a few weeks now (at least in my experience on the EU server), this isn’t new. People are giving this deck -1 because it’s a pretty standard, boring Secret Paladin which has, at its core, been around for half a year now and has been terrorizing the ladder ever since. A lot of people just want to see this deck go, that’s why they are downvoting it, in my opinion.
Kitkatz's Season 22 Patron Dragons (Patragons)
I didn’t know that, I thought it was his idea, too. p4wny climbed to legend with it yesterday, by the way (well, he switched between dragon patron and tempo mage a few times, but dragon patron was the deck that actually got him to legend this season).
Tavern Brawl - Return of Mechazod!
Somehow I do not get a pack if I don’t win the brawl. Anyone else with the same problem?
(Tavern Brawl) Cheap Deathrattle Druid
Okay, somehow the hyperlink in the description is bugged. It’s supposed to say that the shaman had double Anyfin is Awesome. You get the idea…
I don’t come across Jade Rogue very often. The last two days have been very diverse between dude paladin, secret paladin, inner fire priest, freeze/burn mage, miracle rogue, jade rogue, jade druid, reno decks, lots of different stuff really. Sadly not many decks that give off “real” un’goro vibes, like elementals or quest decks though.