Poison's Comments
Saying Goodbye to Year of the Kraken’s Cards – Part 2: The Cards We Won't Miss
sure thing but the point is that people don’t neccicerily notice it.. this is why things come in fashion and out of fashion when the responsible people decide it — copying the opinions subconciously — that is exactly how advertising works (especially brand advertising)… it is not so bad when it happens with the opinion over some hearthstone cards as when it happens in mordern media but people need understand that this is exactly the same. So then they can notice it themselves.
Saying Goodbye to Year of the Kraken’s Cards – Part 2: The Cards We Won't Miss
I rolly dont like these kind of articles … Why is it called “the cards *WE* won’t miss” ?? I certainly don’t aggree with this list and I think a lot of people would not aggree with this either… This is simply the list of the Author of this article. Its not a problem for me that an Author gives its personal opinion but he can’t make it look like that this is the public opinion.
Gloom Stag
for 5 Mana you get Druid of the Claw which has defensive only 2 less live and the option of charge. Additionally you need to renounce Wilde Growth, Wrath, Swipe, Branchin paths, Oaken summons-Ironwood Golem, Spreading plaque and Ultimate Infestation…
This is why this card only really fits in an aggro deck as a some sort of heavy top end… and even then it needs to compete with living Mana and Bittertide Hydra
I see the lines…good deck butMaster Oakheart seems really over the top for me…
baku control wild mage
But does’nt the effect of Baku doesn’t work anymore if you play Jaina ?
Baku the Mooneater
so you are telling me this card will be worth playing even without Spellstone, Hellfire, Defile, Guldan DK, and N`Zoth ??
Baku the Mooneater
No only standard Heropowers just like the ones you can discover with Finley
Hearthstone Wild Meta Decks Tier List - Scholomance Academy Update
The newest Decks are simply the copied Decklists from the Wild Tempostorm Meta Snapshot…
Mill Rogue Theorycraft feat. Valeera the Hollow + Prince Valanar
often that could be the case yes but you might have noticed that I dont play with brann. This is not supposed to be a mill rogue that wins most of his games because you play brann and a bunch of coldlights… Sure the Mill mechanic is strong and sees use in this particular millrogue to beat combo decks but the real strength of this deck is the “endless” N’zoth chain that can even beat the jade idole auctioneer chain
Have you tried the N’zoth mill version before ?
Purchase of Wild Packs & Adventures Now Available!
Jap still working I suppose
I got one legendary out of 10 packs for every expension you can buy in the ingame shop
Voodoo Hexxer
Don’t get me wrong boys, I dont think it’s a bad card.. It does definitly better against aggro
I was just trying to say that the card has fewer stats per mana in comparison to our beloved water elemental. I really like they are pushing now the freeze mechanic, especially for the shaman
Voodoo Hexxer
I wouldn’t say that
for one more mana you only really get tount if you calculate the stats per mana, plus it is vournable against codo and other priest stuff…I think it is slightly worse,
I tell you this card is very strong.. the base stats alone are just great. Especcially in wild with cards like kindly Grandmother or mad scientist