pnuda's Comments
Cassia's Jade Totem Shaman - Top 100 Legend (April 2017, Season 37)
He’s there as a finisher so I suppose Leeroy could work probably? In the past you could play Doomhammer without any worries for finishing, because you had rockbitter weapon anyway, but not anymore…
PsyGuenter's Medivh Control Mage (April 2017, Season 37)
Any ideas on replacement for meteor? I was thinking of blizzard to keep the card slot for Atiesh combo but the effect is rather different.
Kolento's Jade Druid (January 2017, Season 34)
Where did you get the Druid of the Sabre? I thought Kolento was running 1 Innervate instead of it. Otherwise I really like this deck, even without the auctioneer lategame vs control is favored. With Druids of the claw, feral rages and swipes you can sometimes plan a large burst turn when for example warlock doesnt reno yet, cause he thinks he’s ok. The downside is that it’s really weak against miracle rogue.
Feno's Token Druid - Rank 1 Legend Ft. Mark of the Lotus
I was really looking forwad to a new take on Token Druid right after Mark of the Lotus was revealed This deck is fun to play, but i can’t say if it’s also succesful in the current meta. I wanted to ask, why there aren’t arcane giants? But i guess it has it’s purpose and the druid of the claws which usually haven’t been part of token will be a key to survive against pirate warrior
If it’s not meant as April Fool’s then I have to say that you’re wrong about this one. They said that echo will work like Unstable evolution. So the “echo” of the card will disappear after you end the turn. Just think how OP that would be, if you could play the card any number of times for the rest of the game
And about that devilsaur, idk if they change it to Rush. If they want to destroy the priest combo deck around it they probably will…