pepijnboompit's Comments
OTK Demon Hunter - #1 Legend (淡淡的忧伤) - Outland
Ow really, didn’t know that. Thanks for replying.
OTK Demon Hunter - #1 Legend (淡淡的忧伤) - Outland
Deck looks really nice! Worth crafting Magtheridon for it? ^^
Dalesom's Witchwood Malygos Quest Druid ft. Muck Hunter
Are the quest, ixlid and malygos worth crafting? this deck looks really fun and want to try it out. Or is it just not worth it because you only win vs control decks?
cocosasa's #23 Legend Witchwood Secret Mage ft. Black Cat, Cinderstorm
really good deck!
The Witchwood Wallpapers - Desktop & Mobile Versions, High Quality (HD)!
thank you
keep up the great work on this site!
Growgo's Control Mill Warrior (March 2018)
fun to see a friends name pop-up on a hearthstonesite goodjob growgo!
Year of the Raven Incoming: Hall of Fame Additions: Ice Block, Coldlight Oracle, & Molten Giant! Also, New Druid Hero and Tournament Mode!
So it makes sense to craft the cards golden? I still don’t understand
Zalae's Post-Nerf Legend Tempo Kingsbane Rogue (February 2018)
Thanks for your reply
I have lot a dust left over so is he worth to craft?
Zalae's Post-Nerf Legend Tempo Kingsbane Rogue (February 2018)
is Greenskin really needed?
StanCifka's Un'Goro Face Hunter - Throne of Cards IV
good deck climb form rank 7 to 5 with a 83% winrate
Great deck and fun to play!