pepepatyka5's Comments
Blake's Reno/N'Zoth/Yogg-Saron Dragon Shaman - Hearthstone Americas Spring Prelims 2016
Damn, i like it sooo much, but can’t try it, i will craft hallazeal…
Blake's Reno/N'Zoth/Yogg-Saron Dragon Shaman - Hearthstone Americas Spring Prelims 2016
I guess Halazeal is essential, or do you have any suggestions to replace him?
Miracle Rogue Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
hmm thank you, just learning it and trying some other versions, ’cause i don’t have Xaril, but i’m planing to craft him/her (who knows o.O )
Miracle Rogue Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
Could it work with a Leeroy to sub Xaril, and 1 shadowstep? What do you think?
Do you know, if my brother starts an account, but he stops playing, and i pull it up to 20, does this count as a cheat?