Penoyer79's Comments
Cubelock Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
i chuckle seeing Prince Talderan in this deck… I remember how bad everyone thought those cards would be. Opening them on launch day was like a pack meme. All over them have since popped up in tier 1 decks.
Brian Kibler's Frozen Throne Valeera the Hollow Thief Rogue
Kibler doesn’t build meta decks. he builds fun decks. and he makes legend with them every month.
cause kibler’s a boss.
Xixo's EZ Big Druid - #3 Legend (July 2017, Season 40)
a little deck criticism (which wasn’t even harsh at all) and everyone acts like i just spit in their face. shrug.
i had a very similar deck to this in Old Gods/gadgetzahn meta i used to terrorize N00bs with in Wild/Casual mode.
you can find it here. Haven’t updated it with Ungoro cards yet.
MrYagut's #13 Legend Midrange Hunter (August 2016, Season 29)
my mistake… huge toad is still in there…. but i’m still not sold on the card.
MrYagut's #13 Legend Midrange Hunter (August 2016, Season 29)
i’m no HS expert… far from it… but taking out Hugh Toad for a 1/1 with death rattle seems bad…… what does it do other than die for free? the same minion you ran it into is just going to kill the 3/2 it spawns later right? What’s the point? Not to mention it’s just a horrible late game top deck.
Am i missing something?
Hoej's Y'Shaarj/Barnes Ramp Druid (August 2016, Season 29)
ive been playing a similar Astral type of deck that uses the Aviana/Ysaarj combo…. its absolutely disgusting when you can pull it off. especially if you are at 10 mana and have a hand full of minions you can spew it
Trump's Barnes Malygos Rogue (August 2016, Season 29)
another otk combo style deck. i dunno about this…. these decks while fun to play are not fun to play against.
Thijs' DiscardLock Zoo (August 2016, Season 29)
this deck feels like it’s on the verge of being completely OP
I hope blizzard knows what they’re doing making this a thing.
Trump's Protect the King! Taunt Warrior (August 2016, Season 29)
if nothing else, it looks like a lot of fun
J4CKIECHAN's Yogg-Saron Token Druid Deck List Guide
who else is sick of losing to this deck? It’s all over ladder now….. disgusting.
this guy is going to really test your deck-building skills. i think people are underestimating the difficulty level. its going to take an extremely defined deck to pull this off…consistently
Spirit Claws
this is my darkhorse card of the set. this one has potential to be absolutely broken.
Hearthstone Classic Card Set - Which Cards Could Still Be Nerfed?
savage roar is a bit of a non factor since Force of Nature was nerfed.
Execute needs a price hike though.
Hearthstone Classic Card Set - Which Cards Could Still Be Nerfed?
i really dont like the fact that classic cards are stapled into the meta. it keeps too many deck archtypes the same… and it forces blizzard to keep on nerfing cards that maybe they wouldnt have to if they took a slightly more practical approach.
Use the newest adventure (Karazhan) and newest expansion (Old Gods) along with Basic to set up your Core meta.
Supplement in a rotation of 200-300 cards drawn from all the other sets (Classic, NAX, GvG, BRM, TGT, LOE) and these would make up Standard Packs. (this way my Nax and GVG cards are sitting in my collection collecting dust – no pun intended)
so every 3 months rotate in and out different cards that make up standard… and every 6 months you rotate in a new expansion/adventure and drop the current into the pool rotation cue (Karazhan for instance would replace League of Explorers…. Whispers of the Old Gods would be replaced by the spring 2017 expansion)
this will keep the meta fluid and vibrant..ever changing with a significant number of cards rotating in and out every 3 months… and it will keep your entire collection viable… and probably save blizzard a lot of money in forced combo nerfs…. (lets face it – if grim patron wasn’t printed – warsong commander would never have been nerfed)
OTK Worgen Combo Warrior Deck List Guide (July 2016, Season 28)
I cant wait until Thaurisan rotates out and takes all these OTK decks with him. bottom line is they’re just not fun to play against. your opponent sits there and does nothing but play cycle cards while mashing the hero power until turn 6 thaurasin and turn 7 combo vomit for a one-shot OTK. it just encourages people to play more Smorc decks to try to rush them down.
one cancer feeding another.
Midrange Paladin Deck List Guide - April 2016 (Season 25, Wild)
Yeah i have Alex teched in a few of my decks.
Nothing is more satisfying when your opponent goes “Im Sorry” and drops Reno Jackson and you have Alexstrasza sitting in your hand.
Midrange Paladin Deck List Guide - April 2016 (Season 25, Wild)
Forbidden Healing is pretty bad IMO. if it doesn’t draw cards or effect the board it’s usually trash.
Sadly what it boils down to is 10 mana, do nothing.
Needs Bright Eyed Scout