Penoyer79's Comments
Raid the Sky Temple
You all getting scammed! You get a two mana discount off a spell you got from pressing a button that costs TWO MANA. Hello.
Token Druid - Rise of Shadows - StrifeCro
Pretty strong deck but without naturalize… all it takes in a high rolled Edwin Van Cleef or a turn 4 mountain giants and it’s GG.
Best legendary in the set. An absolute bomb with plenty of deck arch-type support.
Safest Day 1 craft of the set.
Keeper Stalladris
This guy will be in every Druid deck for the next 2 years.
The only question about how good this card is – is how good will Druid be?
Arch-Villain Rafaam
Should be pretty decent late game card if the meta allows for this kind of deck archtype to see play.
Exotic Mountseller
She seems like she could be pretty powerful in some kind of miracle type deck that utilizes cheap spells and Gadgetzan Auctioneer.
Violet Teacher on steroids.
Dragon Speaker
Most Dragons are already beefy minions that don’t really need buffs. Plus hand buffing has been historically too slow.
Call to Adventure
This is tough to evaluate. 3 mana draw one is tough, but it had a nice buff effect and you can build your deck to optimize it. Won’t really know how good this one is until we get it in action.
Bronze Herald
Bad stats + no immediate impact on the board historically mean it won’t see play.
that dragon synergy better be off the hook or this one might be a bit overrated.
Blastmaster Boom
I don’t have much faith in boom warrior. I think this card will end up being one of the more overrated of the set.
it’s competing with Spring Paw – but it’s def a useful utility card that you don’t completely hate playing late game if you need that one last burn spell…
Archivist Elysiana
Play this super late game after youve dropped Nozari to reload for round two as your opponent dies a slow horrible death.
Dimensional Ripper
Zilliax, Amani Warbear, big taunts, good death rattles, malygos, deathwing… anything big, anything with a good deathrattle….
Unseen Saboteur
This is pretty sweet. you can rip out their board clears…. or force a self-hex
yeah but those are all cheaply costed and highly synergistic minions they can flood the board with… mass buff them and then bring them all back.
This is NO WHERE NEAR that level of power. This is more like Grimy Goons buff than swarm buff