osumatthew's Comments
Abyssal Depths
Yes, because I hate for any class to be unplayable, and I hate seeing classes essentially get a bunch of trash in any expansion.
Abyssal Depths
This just seems bad. 4 mana draw 2 is way below rate even if it’s technically tutoring specific cards. I mean, DH was super overtuned when it was first released, but at this point it’s going to be approaching unplayability with so many of its cards rotating and getting crap like this to replace it.
School Teacher
So, since this is a discover effect, you’re only ever going to be offered spells from your class, right?
Finish Your Daily Quests Before New Progression System Is Released Tomorrow So They Won't Be Wasted!
So, if we complete our quest that we get at refresh tonight, will we get a new quest with the patch tomorrow for the new progression system?
Safety Inspector
Does this just draw you a card if you have no other cards in your hand? If so, that’s pretty reasonable value for decks that want to dump their hands, like Zoo, or maybe an aggressive totem shaman.
So, at the very least this should give you 1 random legendary, right? The text says “a friendly Murloc” not “another friendly Murloc” so it should count itself. That at least seems reasonable, considering that it also has vanilla stats for a 3 drop AND a relevant tribal tag.
Keli'dan the Breaker
This card is crazy good even if you don’t get the miracle trigger to wipe the board. Removal on a stick has always been insane unless it’s super niche (like Hemet or Rend Blackhand). Before now, Rogue is really the only class that’s gotten this ability, with Blade of C’thun, Vilespine Slayer, and Flikk. All of those card have ranged from playable to outrageous, and Rogue is a tempo oriented class with less survivability and board control compared to Warlock. I feel like this card will be a staple in every non-agro warlock deck as long as it’s in standard, and it might even be good enough for something like zoo. I have no idea why people don’t think this is incredibly strong.
Maiev Shadowsong
This seems really good, especially with Spellbreaker going to the Hall of Fame. It’s not a permanent removal, but it does completely remove a minion for two (maybe three, depending on whether it looks at your turns or your opponent’s and whether it has summoning sickness when it wakes), while putting a decent body on the board. This can get rid of taunts, unpleasant death rattles, or just big, threatening minions. This is sweet card design and I would be shocked if it doesn’t see any play.
This seems absolutely busted. Costing 1 more in exchange for +2/+2 (particularly when this costs 0) seems outrageous. If token/zoo strategies are even slightly viable for druid in this expansion, this is going to be crazy to deal with.
If we’re going to get something like this, can we have a common that reads “Battlecry: all minions that have died this game become 1/1 sheep”?
The Boom Reaver
I think people are sleeping on this. It’s super slow, and most definitely not a 5/5, but in a control deck this looks quite good. You’re getting decent, if unexciting, stats, and you instantly get to deal damage to an opposing minion and/or create additional board presence by adding another body. Plus, the mech tag means it gets rush from Dr. Boom and can be found from both Omega Assembly and Delivery Drone. Varian Wrynn saw some play, but his issue was that you often wouldn’t draw minions, you would draw weak minions and miss out on useful battlecries, and that it didn’t do anything immediately impactful. Comparatively, this card gives you +2 health, a relevant minion type, and immediate board impact without eliminating an important battlecry minion or putting you closer to fatigue. I give it 4/5 and have solid hopes for this card.
Updated: Brian Kibler's Rastakhan's Elemental Odd Mage
I think there’s quite a bit of room for tinkering with specific cards in the list. I’m only running 1 blast wave and 1 pyromaniac, with double owl and tinkmaster teched in to deal with certain threats. I’ve also cut the daring fire eaters and Zilliax in favor of more elemental synergy (Servant of Kalimos is a great payoff card for elementals and adds flexibility to the deck).
Boomsday Odd Control Warrior - Legend (Gaara)
It’s a really bad matchup, but I’m currently teaching in 2 Tanglefur Mystics to play before they combo off. You should be able to just let them fatigue at that point, since they shouldn’t really be able to race you down with the random 2 drops, and if they try playing Mechathun to push damage, you can kill it without having its death rattle active. I haven’t had a real chance to test it yet, but it seems solid in theory at least.
Mech Warrior Deck List Guide (Dr. Boom, Mad Genius) - Boomsday - August 2018
This is a deck I’ve been trying to mentally theorycraft as well, so it’s nice to see your take on it. What are your thoughts on building an odd version of the deck? Tank up seems like a great payoff if you’re wanting a more control focused deck, and if burst combo becomes a major force, being able to stack as much armor as possible seems like the best plan.
Yeah, those were my thoughts too. I’m interested to see if an odd mech control warrior would be viable, since any control deck will need to put itself out of range of combo’s burst range.
It’s not quite the second coming of Goblin Blastmage, but dealing 5 damage to non-mech minions will really hurt small creature based decks (odd paladin). I think people might sleep on this one, but it seems good for the mech warrior build.
Seaforium Bomber
So, will the bomb cantrip and draw a replacement card? If the answer is yes, this card is absolute trash (see Iron Juggernaut which was much more efficient). If no, it might actually see some play to disrupt other decks.
Balance Changes Planned for After HCT Playoffs (End of May)
Hope that they don’t change too much. Guldan is fine, Voidlord is fine, Call to Arms is mostly fine, and Tarim is fair. If they’re going to change anything, it should be Possessed Lackey, Doomguard or Dark Pact, and maybe make a slight adjustment to Call to Arms. Blizzard should be careful about swinging the ban hammer too heavily.
Hearthstone Monster Hunt Patch Data Mining: Test Cards, Slush Cards, More Arena Exclusives?
Is this an “un” set that I see? I wonder how they’ll work something like that in, because obviously these cards can’t (or at least shouldn’t) be available for competitive play.
So, does this only repeat once with 2 damage, or will it repeat a third time with 1 damage? The wording seems unclear as to whether the repeat effect is part of what will be replicated on the second trigger.