Orodrake's Comments
Maejrkin's Windfury Shaman (Standard)
Good job for this deck, I really had fun playing it and it works surprisingly very well ! It feels refreshing to play under-used cards like Windfury or Windspeaker
Midrange Patron Warrior Deck List Guide (July 2016, Standard) - Season 28
I’m playing a similar deck, and I was wondering if Thaurissan is still a good card to tech in this deck… If it is, what card could I remove for it ?
Lifecoach's Aggro/Midrange Dragon Warrior (Standard, May 2016, Season 26)
I think it has its place in the deck. It can activate Grommash and bloodhoof as you said, but also can allow you to execute a big threat or push to lethal if you target for exemple your berserker.
Lifecoach's Aggro/Midrange Dragon Warrior (Standard, May 2016, Season 26)
Hi, I was thinking about including Brann is this deck, since it triggers a lot of stuff. But do you think it is worth the ‘tempo loss’ considering it’s an aggro/mid deck ?
Crane333's WotOG Standard Patron Warrior
I’m having troubles on the ladder with this deck, I lose quite often due to a lack of tempo (or difficulties to control sometimes). I just don’t have Grom and Rag, I replaced them with Thaurissan and Nefarian. Is it the reason why i’m having such troubles with the deck ? Or maybe I should add more body cards like corsair, or taskmaster to getmore tempo ?
Rdu's Season 22 Midrange Druid
Nice deck, Druid is one of my favorite class, but I don’t really like Aspirant, i’d go -1 aspirant +1 Savage combattant or maybe Ancient of war
I’ve played Quest Shaman since launch, I’ve been running a version a bit more late-game, that looks like the one you describe in the “Possible Replacements” section. Personnally I prefer the late-game version than the tempo-oriented one, and I have a slightly better wr with it.
– Questing Explorer has its place in the deck imho, it’s so strong if you manage to play it turn 2-3, and even tho it’s worthless after the quest is finished I think it’s worth the risk
– MC Tech is a must include (at least 1 copy) for now, in both tempo and late game versions
– Don’t underestimate Swampqueen Hagatha, it’s insane value when you pull it off, and honestly in slow/control/value match-ups you can pull it off more than 50% of the time
– I also like Walking Fountain a lot, maybe that’s just me but I seem to have good results with 2 copies of it in my slowest version deck, being able to stabilize the board state and heal for 8 seems fine by me
– Finally, Vulpera Scoundrel isn’t a bad card, you can discover good cards depending on the situation (Witch’s Brew, Lightning Storm, or even Bloodlust) but in the end it’s not overwhelming enough. But it’s a fun tech sometimes