Omnitarian's Comments
lt’s kinda redundant to Wicked Stab, trading the sometimes-needed ability to target minions for two extra damage once all cards are drawn. But I mean, Wicked Stab wins games, so very possible this goes straight into Miracle Rogue, too.
Command the Elements
I don’t see it, to be honest… 8 overload cards is A LOT. You’ll have to either A) have some non-nature spells which means no Primal Dungeoneer, B) Play bad overload cards like the wolves, C) rely on Instructor Fireheart and other generators to fill the gaps. The final reward is fantastic, but Shaman has an easy enough time closing games with Doomhammer+Rockbiter+Burn, so why invest in all this? This card only makes sense for some sort of Control Shaman that probably isn’t a smart idea in general.
Armor Vendor
Holy cow, a bow-wrapped present for slow decks. This will be a two-of in every Control/Combo deck until April 2022, basically.
Sparkjoy Cheat
This card does too much stuff for its cost to not be playable. Get ready to see this one a lot, especially after rotation.
Tough call. 2 cards for “2” mana is a good deal, especially in Shaman who is always hard-up for card draw (I’ll go ahead and say that Druid has enough draw/generation tools where he won’t even consider this). But you only get two options – not 3 like Discover, and that can be pretty disappointing when one of the options is a clunker. If even one of the cards is a clunker, this card is worse than just running a spell your deck would want to run anyway, so that has me leaning toward the side that this isn’t very good.
Resizing Pouch
3.5 isn’t all that high but it’s still overrated. It’s going to pull neutrals, too, so there’s no way to guarantee certain cards. I considered Druid being guaranteed either Innvervate or Lightning Bloom at 0 mana, but nah we still have Embiggen and Moonfire alongside Wisp and Desk Imp.
Don’t be fooled by the scaling effect, this is just another basic unplayable 1-mana Discover a Card that we get every expansion, except kinda worse because at least you can build a deck that synergizes with Dragon’s Hoard or Worthy Expedition. Plus, we already have the Studies cards in standard! Just play those.
Libram of Judgment
This is crazy good, the Libram Package was already great in Paladin and this gives the deck a lot of reach that it didn’t have before (remember how some people were so desperate for finishers in Pure Paladin that they ran Avenging Wrath and Blessed Champion?). With Libram discounts it’s easy to corrupt, too, if nothing else then Libram of Hope corrupts it.
Imprisoned Celestial
Turn 3 play this, turn 4 corrupt Day at the Faire and turn 5 play it for a bunch of Divine Shield dudes. Seems kinda like a finicky card overall, but maybe.
Circle of Healing and Potion Vendor are pretty potent with this. Not sure how you build an effective deck around that, though.
Not a bad cheap AoE but there isn’t any Shaman deck that needs this. Not even, like, any theoretical Shaman decks. It plays nice with Spell Damage I guess but I don’t see why that would ever be a deck. Maybe after rotation this’ll find a home.
Keywarden Ivory
Too expensive and unreliable in classes that already have cheap AND reliable draw/generation. There’s a lot of whiffs you can get (Guardian Animals, Felosophy, Commencement) and even the good scenarios (double Devolving Missiles or Lightning Blooms) aren’t all that mindblowing. Compare this to, like, Big Ol Whelp or Cobalt Spellkin or Onyx Magescribe. I’d rather have those and even THEY are far from making the cut in Rogue/Mage.
Envoy Rustwix
It’s a cool card, but slow Warlock decks already have perfectly good wincons (Tickatus, Malygos). No room for this one really.
There’s enough support where’ll we’ll be able to at least tinker with Big Paladin and Big Warrior. They’re both sitting on some Cheat-outer Cards from previous expansions, and new cards like Ceremonial Maul, Studies, and First Day of School make it a lot more viable to build an earlygame without minions.
Bloated Python
It curves nice with Pack Tactics, as we saw in the stream. A good enabler for a sticky deathrattle-focused Hunter that is nice to have (lots of cheap AoE this expansion).
There are going to be certain subset of players who are… excited to see this card. You know who you are.
Blessing of Authority
Sometimes when you’re firmly losing board you have to waste a Blessing of Kings on a Silver Hand Recruit and it feels bad. This make plays like that feel good ‘cuz you won’t attack with them anyway. The High Abbess is a good target for this, so is Devout Pupil. So is everything, honestly. Good card.
Vulpera Toxinblade
It’s a bit vulnerable, but it boosts Steel Dancer and is a solid target to bounce back with Waggle Pick. Rogue’s weapon-based packages are always fun when they work.
Intrepid Initiate
Good with the Coin or a 0 cost spell (looking at you, First Day of School). 3/2 for 1 is a good statline, given the amount of 1/3s that look like they’ll be floating around.
It’s a wonderfully designed card but Dirty Tricks just seems more consistent.
Rune Dagger
Maybe? Enables Spellbook Binder, Arcane Watcher, Sorcerous Substitute, Ras obviously, on top of all the Spell cards from the last set. IDK, the package just sounds too fair. Sorry Thrall, you might have to sit this one out again 🙁
A potent card, not the easiest to just toss in a deck though.
Oracle + Elwynn Boar + Elwynn Boar + Teron Gorefiend is scarily plausible. At 10 mana you can Broom x2 to get the sword in one turn, and clear up taunts along the way.