OldManSanns's Comments
Hearthstone Legendaries You Can "Safely" Disenchant - Ashes of Outland - May 2020
QQ AoS having the more entries on this list than any other expansion (7 versus 5-6 on the other 3), despite them having an extra year of play left.
Budget Spell Mage Deck List & Guide (Ashes of Outland)
Stonekeep, thanks so much for posting these. I’ve been in a total HS-funk lately–doesn’t help at all that my free AoO legendaries were Magtheridon, Reliquary of Souls, and Bulwark–so its very appreciated having some viable decks that can service daily quests without depleting my dust stock.
Budget Tempo Demon Hunter Deck List & Guide (Ashes of Outland)
I would say that Metamorphosis is a worthy craft–as is it’s 2×5 damage for 7 mana, and the only changes I think they could do that would reduce its value would be to either lower the damage dealt (which would presumably be 100% dust refund) or entirely gut the DH class.
Kayn Sunfury is a little more situational, and his value is entirely dependent on your opponent playing taunts so I would say he’s more dependent on your personal dust levels and risk aversion.
Hearthstone Team Reddit AMA – April 14 - Ask Devs Your Questions
I believe the format is: anyone with a reddit account can login and reply to the thread, then the hosts pick whichever ones they want to reply to for the first 2 hours. Most questions won’t get an answer due to volume combined with the fact the hosts will only pick questions they feel comfortable answering. I would expect replies phrased like the above to be generally ignored, whereas something like “are you still worried about the power level of Demon Hunter even after the nerfs?” might get an answer.
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (November 2024)
Fibonacci probably has the “best” CW builds right now, but they aren’t too great. Below is an earlier HTD decklist; I think he’s recently also been experimenting with Bulwark and Ancharrr. Honestly, if you’re a warrior main I think this it a time to try seeing if any of the other classes can temporarily scratch your particular itch (warlock has a pretty good control game right now) and you hope a patch comes along sooner rather than later that shakes things up a little bit.
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (November 2024)
Start with the tempo Demon Hunter list at the top of this list, then substitute any missing epics or commons with comparable DH cards that you do have (e.g., Inner Demon for Metamorphosis).
I think it will be a stretch to get any viable non-DH budget decks in the foreseeable future.
Hunting Demon Hunters - How To Counter The New Class
I really surprised that there’s not a big push for quest priest since it counteracts the all the early poke that DH does. That said, I did try to homebrew a little last night myself and the results were discouraging–DH is super easy to clearing the board, and between metamorphosis, priestess of fury, and inner demon it has a ton of late-game burn.
Zayle, Shadow Cloak Deck Lists - What Are The "EVIL Decks"? (Year of the Phoenix Update)
On the plus side: I’m glad they did something. They could have easily have just HoF’ed Zayle and moved on with their lives. On the minus side: it kinda feels like they did the bare minimum–replacing JUST the missing cards–and that none of these decks look are very promising as a result.
Ashes of Outland Theorycrafting Deck Lists - New Builds For Every Class!
If you’re OK on dust, those are probably the best 2 legendaries you can craft right now.
But specific to these lists: remember that they are just theorycraft and therefore rely heavily what has already been established versus what will become known ~1 week after the expansion goes public. If you’re tight on dust, you probably want to just sit for 2 weeks to see whats what.
Ashes of Outland Theorycrafting Livestreams - Join Your Favorite Streamers With Early Access - March 26
>> where is Dekkster?
For the most part, these people all regularly have > 1k average twitch viewers whereas Dekkster is mid-200s. But that’s not a true for all 16, so it’s unclear how/why exactly they picked them.
Ashes of Outland Theorycrafting Livestreams - Join Your Favorite Streamers With Early Access - March 26
>> Would you like us to share theorycrafting deck lists from those streamers?
My immediate response was “yes, but only the decent ones”. Except then I saw Phobetor’s comment and remembered the horror that was Galakrond Shaman utterly destroying the meta Day 1, due largely in part to how successful and public it was in the last theorycrafting livestreams. But then I thought, “well–as much as I love HTD–its not like 1 article from them is going to make/break the global meta”. So long story short: maybe?
2020 Announcements Live Recap - Standard Year, Hall of Fame, New Cards, Ashes of Outland, Demon Hunter and More!
I’m sure its just a coincidence, but I think its really bad optics for them to be announce a new metal-based ladder ranking so close to the release of Legends of Runeterra which already uses an extremely similar ranking system. :-/
Reverted Nerfs - Sludge Slurper, Raza the Chained, Call of the Wild, Yogg-Saron, Spiteful Summoner & Lesser Emerald Spellstone
>>Devs have previously announced 10 nerf reverts, but maybe they’ve changed their minds
>>about some of them. Or maybe we still have some more coming soon!
They had said 5 wild, 4 YotR, and 1 YotD. This announcement is exactly 5 wild and 1 YotD. My guess is that they are holding off on officially announcing/confirming all 4 YotR until closer to the rotation since they presumably don’t want them played in standard and don’t want to confuse/taunt players with a reversion that is still weeks away.
Worst Designed Cards and Mechanics in the History of Hearthstone
I agree that the specific implementation could use some tuning–I would like it to be unique spells instead of cards, have the count lowered accordingly, and I wouldn’t mind if both players could see progress somehow. But with regards to the overall mechanic (game-winning reward contingent on playing X cards) and contrasting it to HS’s highlanders (big reward contingent on decklist conforming exactly), I think it’s miles better.
Worst Designed Cards and Mechanics in the History of Hearthstone
I actually like Nithogg as a card, it’s just that this specific implementation (in terms of mana cost & stats) is pretty weak compared to the rest of the meta.
Worst Designed Cards and Mechanics in the History of Hearthstone
At the risk of sounding too much like a LoR fanboy: Legends of Runeterra has an interesting take on the highlander mechanic, Purrsuit of Perfection. It’s a spell that’s basically “If you’ve played X unique cards, summon a 30/30 killer kitty mech”. So you’re able to double/triple up on any cards you want, but it will hinder your primary win condition a fraction. Plus the payoff happens at the end of the match, so it doesn’t _feel_ as game-defining as Kel / Zephy / etc. I’ve had games where I didn’t even realize my opponent was using a Purrsuit deck until he finally played it.
Tavern Brawl - Hall of Champions
It feels REALLY bad playing Firebat’s 2014 decks against these more recent decks–they’re ~75% classic cards.
Granted, that doesn’t mean they are necessarily worse than the other decks if you play them right (e.g., for the hunter deck you need to mulligan hard for pre-nerf Undertaker, for rogue deck you need to setup a big auctioneer turn into conceal); it just feels awful staring at the big “c” watermark on entire hand while your opponent keeps playing wild cards.
"A Storm Is Coming" - March 17 Announcements? New Expansion Set It Nagrand/Outland?
I have fond memories of flying around fighting over Halaa.
Key Cards Rotating Out in 2020 (Year of the Phoenix?) - Part 1 (Neutral Cards)
I’m definitely going to miss Whizbang. A lot. He helped me out tremendously when I had just started, and even after I started fielding some competitive decks I found myself often going back to him just because he was more “fun” than grinding a meta deck. Hopefully they give us something comparable after the rotation.
I did try Zayle a while back, but unfortunately all his decks feel REALLY weak against DoD decks. Plus: I don’t see how he’s going to work after the rotation since all 5 decks use YotR cards. Also, we can’t disenchant the golden reward version from beating Dalarian Heist… So it’s going to be a little interesting to see what/if they do anything with him.
If you’re looking at this strictly as a value proposition, I would say you’ll MUCH less likely to feel disappointed if you pass on this deal and just buy the next one that comes along for normal packs–if you’re after raw dust, you’re expected (i.e. statistical mean) dust/dollar will be much greater, and if you’re after specific golden cards, you can still use said dust to craft exactly what you want rather than relying on chance.