oldhasu's Comments
Tavern Brawl - Clockwork Card Dealer - Standard
Just played my miracle rogue, seems fine. Guaranteed pirate start and coins, turn4 pillager, turn5 drake, turn6 acuctioneer… you know. I imagine there should be a lot of priests around since they like to play on curve with the table, and it is a favorable matchup I’d say.
Zalae's Pirate Dragon Warrior (December 2016, Season 33) - Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
This is exact deck Thijs used to win “Esport Superstars” card by card
Thijs' ELC Superstars Dragon Pirate Warrior (December 2016)
I very much like this deck from Thijs and his lineup on this tournament overall, this deck felt superior to Lifecoach/JJ one with additon of Curator which gives some draw mechanic and absent of Cultist which seems working as simply 3/4 drop most of the time rather then buffing your weapon. For laddering it seems solid so far, but maybe it is worth adding Ooze isntead one of Ichors, what do you think? Also I’m kinda missing Ravaging Goul often, but cant see how to fit them in.
Tavern Brawl Double Deathrattler Battler
So I found out that none of those decks are good for me because they require some cards from Gnomes expansion, which I dont have. But shortly I’ve stumbled upon a good idea: you dont need those deathrattles to win. Just pick standard pirate deck and go face! Leper gnome is a good addition to trigger his deathrattle twice tho. Here is the deck http://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/decks/happy-feast-of-winter-veil/ Enjoy getting dat pack guys 🙂
He is not supporting netdecking directly (i.e. there is no screenshot of his deck list on stream all the time / decks are not shown with !deck command by bot), but he is not hiding anything. Like you can see all cards he plays if you watch stream and often times he opens a full list to change something or evaluate strength of some cards included. I dont think he cares about what happens outside his stream. Its just an audience filter of some sort I guess, if you come to his stream to just pick the deck of pro player without watching and caring about whats going on you are not welcome, its understandable. Especially given that that his streams are not meant to entertain or make any profit.