Old Guardian's Articles
The Standard Rotation Approaches: Play These Decks Now Before They Are Gone!
Spring is always an interesting time to be playing Hearthstone. With the first expansion of the new year, the Standard format will rotate. Cards from two years ago will be gone, there will be adjustments to the Core set, and the new meta comprises four expansions: one from the current year and the three released […]
Delve Into Deepholm Rocks! The Best Early Deepholm Meta Decks
Hearthstone mini-sets have often failed to significantly change the meta. The latest addition, Delve into Deepholm, seeks to change this perception, and for better or for worse, the new mini-set has managed to throw several curveballs already on its first days out in the open! From Deepminer Brann boosting Astalor Bloodsworn […]
What Does the End of Duels Game Mode Tell Us About the Future of Hearthstone?
A few days ago, Blizzard announced that support for the Duels game mode will end and the entire game mode will be removed from the Hearthstone client in April 2024. Duels was not very popular, but it had its enthusiasts and a surprisingly solid viewership on YouTube, primarily for Roffle as of late and RegisKillbin […]
Many New Meta Decks After the Paladin Nerfs! Hearthstone Patch 28.2.3 Early Meta
The Hearthstone meta is wide open after the Paladin nerfs! There are several newcomers vying for the crown. Some have already failed the test in the first couple of days, whereas others are still to be fully refined and have yet to prove themselves. We have multiple new Rogue archetypes, Priests have returned to the […]
Hearthstone Revamped Apprentice Track Experience – Guide For New Players To Make The Most of It
Hearthstone is now easier to start than ever! Blizzard revamped the new player experience in patch 28.2 and the start of the game is now smooth, pleasant, and fast. I played through the new Apprentice Track, and in less than four hours I was on the main ladder, equipped with six loaner decks and two […]