Old Guardian's Articles
What Did Blizzard Really Say in the Looking Ahead Blog – Is Hearthstone Dying Or Not?
Blizzard’s promised answer to having no new board and no cinematic for Perils in Paradise was published yesterday, and you can read it in full here. Blizzard also promised to give us further insights into the future of Hearthstone. Did they? What did they really say? In this article, I try to […]
The Best Decks from the First Day of Perils in Paradise Meta!
The new Hearthstone expansion Perils in Paradise is here! We got to see a glimpse of what the expansion looks like from the pre-release event where Pirate Demon Hunters, OTK Druids, and OTK Paladins ruled the day. But now it’s a completely different ball game. Now all these new cards have to compete with all […]
The Most Interesting Decks from Perils in Paradise Theorycrafting Event
As usual, Blizzard arranged a theorycrafting event for content creators for the upcoming Perils in Paradise expansion. The name is perhaps a little misleading because the event is actually a pre-release marketing event where content creators play with the new cards before their official launch and stream their gameplay. I had a chance to participate […]
Twist Whizbang’s Heroes Tier List – Best Heroes In The Current Format
Whizbang’s Heroes is a time-limited Twist format where you play with pre-constructed decks. The format is available for two months, June and July. In June, you could choose from a pool of 19 Heroes, each unlocked by owning specific old Legendary cards, and the July season expanded the roster with nine new Heroes for a […]
Genn and Baku Are Back in Standard, But Are They Any Good Anymore?
Genn Greymane and Baku the Mooneater are some of the most powerful Hearthstone cards in the history of the game. Originally released in 2018 as part of The Witchwood, Genn and Baku were so dominant that they were rotated out of Standard a year early, already in 2019. Now, they are back in Standard […]