Nuhanda's Comments
Yes, Thalnos for Kobold Geomancer, because thalnos is there to combo with the lightning storm. And Nexus Champ is pretty essential, but it could go for Dr. Boom, since they’re both 7 mana drops, or maybe even Loatheb to protect your huge board from aoe. If you do change Saraad also change Charged Hammer since it wouldn’t make sense anymore (Read comment above for options ^).
Charged hammer is there for the early minions, but mainly for the synergy with Nexus Champ, and the fact that summoning totems is actually a setback in the late game, since your board is gonna be flooded all the time. But if you dont wanna craft it you can go for mechanical yeti, a decent 4 drop that gives you a spell, I’ve also thought about doble unbound elemental because of the excessive overload. Any good 3-4 mana minion does the job.
I thought about it, but the only card worth reducing would be Nexus Champ(very low chances). On the other hand, reducing the cost on a spell also reduces the mana cost on the minion summoned by the Stone.
But might be worth trying.
If i play this with Brann on board, and ive played 4 jade golems, do i get two 5/5s or a 5/5 and a 6/6?