NinjaWXYZ's Comments
But actually this card is meh, whirlwind with invoking Galakrond. Will only be used because Scion of Ruin is so good.
This has to be an opponent’s turn other wise it is literally a 2 mana 3/6 with taunt
The synergy between Time Out and this is insane. Without it, this card is ok. If you’re going against hunter, mage, maybe even Druid or rogue. They can easily prevent this from activating but they have to use their hero power then. This could be useful still because you force your opponent to use their hero power.
Why the Saviors of Uldum Meta Deserves Quiet Praise
Zephrys is not a problem at all because in order to always use him you cannot use more than one copy of a card, which severely hurts consistency of the deck. Having a good payoff for that is balanced.
Snip Snap is not an issue in standard because there is no way to get infinite. It is only a thing in wild and is not the only crazy combo possible in wild.
Why the Saviors of Uldum Meta Deserves Quiet Praise
Zephrys is not a problem at all because in order to always use him you cannot use more than one copy of a card, which severely hurts consistency of the deck. Having a good payoff for that is balanced.
Snip Snap is not an issue in standard because there is no way to get infinite. It is only a thing in wild and is not the only crazy combo possible in wild.
Hack the System
I think the only use for this will be when Dr. Boom Mad Genius is out of Standard. The hero power is not bad, it is just weak compared to Dr. Boom
Colossus of the Moon
Maybe this could work in a clone resurrect priest deck? Summon it using zerek’s cloning gallery and revive with cards like mass resurrection or catrina muerte. I don’t think it will work because it is too difficult to bring out.
The Dalaran Heist Guide - Chapter Information, Pricing, Rewards, Heroes & Hero Powers, Anomaly Mode And More!
Nice I am a Yu-Gi-Oh! player as well in addition to Hearthstone
Then you can get this back with the new Y’shaarj and burn another 5