Nekyno's Comments
Muckmorpher Shaman theorycraft
It is not looking bad, I would still recommend including feral spirit into the deck and consider bringing maybe one copy of Witches brew for extra heal.
Pirate Rogue
Good idea. I haven’t even considered her at all. The only downside I see is when you draw her early or from the Raiding party.But I agree the downside is smaller than the upside of having her at turn 8.
In regards to murloc comparison I think this deck should be a bit more resilient to board clear despite Shaman having Coldlight Seer, Rockpool Hunter and the new 2 Mana give deathrattle spell.
Mirror match could be interesting, I feel the weapon might make a big difference. A lot will depend on the start.
Standout Witchwood Meta Decks After Four Days
Awesome article mate. Most of the stuff are accurate and you have actually gone through most of the played decks. Judging by my over the weekend road to legend on EU.
Self-damage Aggro Warlock
As you may have noticed this deck has 8 taunts. In case you do not control the board with this deck and the opponent is going face, than you have already lost anyway. As for hunter matchup – its just gonna be a little bit harsher there.
Odd Elemental Mage
Janina makes the deck slow and control. This is supposed to be tempo oriented deck.
Agreed, but including one copy of mater’s call sounds like a good idea. It should really help with consistency.