This card seems like a perfect fit for the current quest warlock ,just imagine having a 4 mana malygos or a 8 mana Queen Alex (you can play both dragons on turn 10 like we used to pre nerf) and all the other cards that are getting buffed, on the other hand the only downside is your zephrys going to 3 from 2 mana which isnt that much of problem since there is a good chance you might have already played him or have him in hand.
This card seems like a perfect fit for the current quest warlock ,just imagine having a 4 mana malygos or a 8 mana Queen Alex (you can play both dragons on turn 10 like we used to pre nerf) and all the other cards that are getting buffed, on the other hand the only downside is your zephrys going to 3 from 2 mana which isnt that much of problem since there is a good chance you might have already played him or have him in hand.