This list is COMPLETELY ASS GARBATGE. Why would they put NAT PAGEL on this list of bad legendaeries???/ He is greate at eveything he does, like fishing and breathing. not to mention gruul!!!!1!!Nat Pagles brother (it’s cannon, look it up!), who is very good at growing big and strong.
WHO ELSE CAN GEt =+1/+1 each turn? NOBODY!!!. Shade of naxxuramus can suck the inside of my ass. he is unbalanced and broked beyond beleif. he deserves to be locked up in federal prison for his crims against living creatures. My main poijt is that Nat PAgle is a creatuer of beauty and grace. Gruul is a ssaoft hearted cuddle bunny who kill without hesitation. I haven’t even mentioned Millhouse Manastorm, who is such a good card and is trying to help out his buddies. this list is garbage and whoever made it is garbage. #NATPAGLE4LYFE
This list is COMPLETELY ASS GARBATGE. Why would they put NAT PAGEL on this list of bad legendaeries???/ He is greate at eveything he does, like fishing and breathing. not to mention gruul!!!!1!!Nat Pagles brother (it’s cannon, look it up!), who is very good at growing big and strong.
WHO ELSE CAN GEt =+1/+1 each turn? NOBODY!!!. Shade of naxxuramus can suck the inside of my ass. he is unbalanced and broked beyond beleif. he deserves to be locked up in federal prison for his crims against living creatures. My main poijt is that Nat PAgle is a creatuer of beauty and grace. Gruul is a ssaoft hearted cuddle bunny who kill without hesitation. I haven’t even mentioned Millhouse Manastorm, who is such a good card and is trying to help out his buddies. this list is garbage and whoever made it is garbage. #NATPAGLE4LYFE