napping1's Comments
Cantelope's #1 Legend Miracle Rogue - July 2018
Shadowstep leeroy for bigger burst, shadowstep striders for more spiders against druid, shadowstep SI to shoot down more aggro targets, shadow step for a bigger edwin, shadowstep vilespine slayer for bigger targets.
Shadow step is incredible and constantly over performs. You just don’t really need two.
Cantelope's #1 Legend Miracle Rogue - July 2018
I don’t understand the mossy horror, is it just for odd pally? You really only need firefly, FoK and si:7/backstab to get you to where you can trade down on their board every turn.
I’ve been having alot of success with pretty much the same list except:
-Mossy horror
-Questing adventurer
+Si:7 agent
I feel like inflicting enough damage to get your opponent in range might be difficult in a deck with such a low threat density. Not to mention, Druid, mage and warrior(maybe priest) will be able to easily stay out of range once they know what you’re up to. I wonder if a more proactive approach with elementals and malygos/eureak! as a finsher would do the trick.