nachdreher's Comments
Nozdormu/Ramp Paladin - #75 Legend (Conway6288) - Darkmoon Races
this looks nice but i dont have nzoth
12 Wins (12-1) Demon Hunter - wiRer - Duels Season 1 (Wizard Duels)
This is what people need, good and cheap duel decks!
(Update: Starting Soon) Darkmoon Duel-Fest - First Duels Tournament - November 24
its called marketing
What Will Happen to Warlock in Madness at the Darkmoon Faire - Analysis and Theorycrafted Decks
Yes it’s a relief, thanks!. I love your site by the way, i’m allways cheking for new articles.
Best regards.
What Will Happen to Warlock in Madness at the Darkmoon Faire - Analysis and Theorycrafted Decks
Yes it’s crazy, no one knows if is intentional yet.
What Will Happen to Warlock in Madness at the Darkmoon Faire - Analysis and Theorycrafted Decks
N’Zoth fills your board with Circus Amalgam even if it just died once in your board, this was checked out in today’s streamings.
Hunting Demon Hunters - How To Counter The New Class
The battlecry of blowtorch saboteur will last until you use your hero power once, then it goes back to normal.
Can You Combo in Ashes of Outland – Theorycrafting Decks for the New Expansion
I’m very hyped to try Combo Hunter, but the lack of large removals worries me, mostly because of Magtheridon, if it becomes an usual play.
Quest Druid Theorycraft Deck List – Saviors of Uldum – August 2019
It looks powerful, very promising deck, thank you!
Quest Druid Theorycraft Deck List – Saviors of Uldum – August 2019
Silly question here, how does Ossirian Tear interact with Wardruid Loti? It becomes a minion with the 4 minions stats and texts?
Now I’m asking myself why the hell i’ve disenchanted a golden Loti.
It’s the frenzy package and n’zoth really worthy? Also i really doubt of mutanus in this deck.