Mystik's Comments
Tavern Brawl - Top 2 - Deck Ideas!
This is what I was running, I got murdered by a Mage with magic missile and flamewalker. I think that combo was even better. I also got killed by an innervate Loatheb combo which can’d be defeated with this deck.
The Egg is back
I don’t even run innervate either. You might try Tinkmaster Overspark, for his removal and buffs.
Alexxx's Shadow Rogue / Season 26
No Brann? Seems vital in this deck to me (especially if you clone him).
Face Hunter Deck List Guide - April 2016 (Season 25, Wild)
So, is this deck going to survive into the new Meta?
N'zoth Deathrattle Rogue
I’m sorry, I feel a little bad, that was a touch harsh. Nevertheless, without Blade Flurry, I think any deck will have a hard time. Also, the one question I’ve always had for deathrattle rogue decks, perhaps you can answer it, is “aren’t you going to get screwed when N’Zoth summons your low cost deathrattles instead of Syvannis and Xaril types?
N'zoth Deathrattle Rogue
Well, your deck sure helps mine if it becomes an archetype. Whoever gets a real fast deck together is going to rule the meta, just because of the massive expectations for slowness. I don’t know how this functions of its own accord, but combo runners and fast decks will be great.
The sad part is, I really never even considered that. It seems so obvious now. You’d just have to be careful not to overload your hand (since each shadowcaster puts two cards in your hand). By the way, does C’thun still regain its buffs if you use shadowcaster on it?
Standard Evolution
If you’re going for early game board fill, I would think that Bloodlust might be worth running as a finisher.
Aggro Murloc Paladin (WotOG Standard)
My biggest suggestion is a Blood Knight, what with all of the Divine Shields you’ll be handing out.
Yogg-Saron, Hope's End
So will this card’s spells target stealthed minions? (can I keep my minions safe from targeted spells by casting conceal on all of them beforehand?)
Midrange Fast Druid Deck List Guide - April 2016 (Season 25, Wild)
Is this deck going to try to continue existing after the nerfs Hearthstone is putting in place?
Hearthstone Basic and Classic Set Nerfs Revealed!
The midrange druid just got shot in the head. I was wondering how they were going to deal with it, since it would murder the other high-cost decks. So they killed it. I cry for my wasted dust.
Control Deathrattle Hunter
My one thing would be -2 loot hoarder +1 spellbreaker +1 Novice engineer. The new meta adds a lot of cards worth silencing, and it rounds out the mana curve. Furthermore, I wouldn’t think you would really want to summon a loot hoarder as part of your endgame combo, which is almost certainly going to happen this way. Finally, you would be playing your LHs on round two, so you still don’t gain the buff from forlorn stalker.
All of the spells; standard; lets have some fun
what about the new shadow word? I forget its name but it destroys all minions with under two attack.
The Age Of Nightblade Combo Rogue
This is a neat looking deck. Kudos to you. No sylvannis windrunner though? While she might be a touch too high cost, it seems like she still might fit in well, especially if you repeatedly shadowstepped shadowcaster on her so you could summon a 1/1 SW every round after you finished comboing.
I don’t know why no one else was playing c’thun naga druid. Drop Naga Sea witch, get C’Thun turn 5 or six.