MySoulShallBeYours's Comments
Evangelion's Legend C'Thun Renolock (February 2017, Season 35)
This is a really good and fun deck, but it has a problem: it lacks low value cards; so it gets beaten by aggro before you get the chance to use cthun or twin emperor.
Also is it a good idea to: -1 abyssal enforcer +1 doomcaller ?
Lol yeah, you are right! The -3 to all is really uselful. Point is, is there a way (or is it a good idea) to add doomcaller? Reason why I ask is because the C’Thun in this deck is really small, normally you can only get it upto 12, maybe 14. So resurrecting it using doomcaller for those fatigue matches would be useful isnt it?