mrpiggles5's Comments
Rogues have never been to control because although there are insane control cards, in theory, Academic espionage to elysiana. They have good removal like eviscerate and sap. They dont have any board clears. A card like waxadred which constantly is a threat throughout the game. Too fight back for board control. Also a deathrattle rogue with necrium vial and blade could cheat out more waxadred. A dragon rogue maybe possible with breath. Not to mention rogue has a near dr Boom hero power with galakrond a random lackey every turn is better than dr boom. Although rogue has good control tools, they need a clear in order for all this to work value rogue needs clears which blizzard took away
Pharaoh Cat
also can fill in for pilfer as there is a decent chance that it can trigger the burgle effect.
Pharaoh Cat
the only current 1 drop the rogue has is pogo hopper which is trash unless your making ur deck around it.
Desert Hare
ridiculous card 3 mana immune fill ur board at max value if u want to remove just play stormbringer or bloodlust for 28 dmg.
Pharaoh Cat
Its the only option us poor rogues are having to run pilfer as our opener with pharoh cat we can have a proper turn one without running a nobody-uses 1 drop
Pharaoh Cat
Would you want a random minion that has reborn or vanilla 1/2 you decide
Wild Bloodstinger
Very strong the biggest minion your opponent has is a 5/5.bloodstinger kills it becomes a 6/4 discard a card from your opponents hand. Discarding a minion for your opponent is ridiculous thats why blizzard has been considering rogue cards that actually steal and not copy your opponents class and warlocks never force enemies to discard just like you never see a shammy card that forces your opponent to overload. Too disruptive but to see it in hunter is weird and it will need to be back up with some big beasts
Shadow of Death
I think we need to see the rogue quest and if the button can provide enough value. This maybe a ridiculous card because of cards like valeera and rexxar.
Raid the Sky Temple
I believe this card has more value then Doctor boom 10 spells no problem. Even more value a control mage could be a thing
Although mage does not have much lots of removal it can freeze holding board for big minions plus conjurers calling combo. This is one of the best buttons in the game.
DKs could create value so even decks Hunters and Rogues could survive the late game. This hero power is easy to acheive and is on DK value level.
Chef Nomi
just use togwaggles scheme to refill all you have to take is one damage maybe espionage
Chef Nomi
I vision an extremely fast rogue with cards 5 or less and then at the end quickly finishes with Myras unstable element. Maybe put in a shark rogue?
I say this is the most strongest card this expansion I think Tempo rogue will be played just because of this one card plus u gotta lot of weapons and weapon synergies too