MoroAlex95's Comments
Lackey Galakrond Warlock - #45 Legend (BoarControl) - Outland
Is Grand Lackey good or is it way to greedy?
HSTD Descent of Dragons Pre-Purchase Giveaway! (60 Packs + Golden Legendary + Card Back + Battlegrounds Early Access)
How do those people get so many entries?
Big Warrior - Rise of Shadows - #86 Legend (Fibonacci)
I know i can’t replace Gromashh but Is it worth to craft it just for this off-meta deck?:)
Malygos Rogue - Rastakhan 2nd Nerf - #24 Legend (SoLegit)
it’s not about other pirates but using a spell to draw the weapon instead of shinyfinder which sometimes can interact with your elven.
Malygos Rogue - Rastakhan 2nd Nerf - #24 Legend (SoLegit)
you always play 2 elvens for consistency regardless if you play any other minions(thalnos or shinyfinder).
till next rotation somewhere end of March so probably not worth the craft.