Morei's Comments
Living Monument
Well, you got the right answer for the wrong reason.
Faceless Behemoth didn’t work because too high mana and no immediate effect
This card is the same, but with a taunt. Slightly better, but not good enough; will only see play in Arena.
Mogu Cultist
In wild Mage, Echo of Medivh, Duplicate and Molten Refelction makes this seem too easy
Tavern Brawl - Blackrock Crash (Week 2)
True, but it’s to be more accessible. If it was too hard, people will have a hard time getting like a single pack and a golden common card. I think it’s fair, only the boss are lil bit repetitive. They could’ve swapped some bosses.
Reno the Relicologist
Reno Jackson struggled also with Healing your Hero and clearing the board at the same time. Being one of its biggest weakness. You couln’t play Reno and play Blizzard or Flamestrike, unless you had Emperor Thaurissan the previous turn(s). Most of the times, you healed to max, but the enemy board was still there and Reno didn’t have Taunt. So you essentially just healed but stalled for a turn without advancing any other plays. Even more, if you didn’t have 10 mana.
Reno the Relicologist
As someone who played Reno Mage back with the OG Reno, I’m like 90% positive this is a good/decent card.
First thing to note, this card is not as good as a win condition as the old one, that’s for sure. More of a removal like Dynomatic. And again, as someone who uses Dynomatic in my Mech Control Warrior, that card, which has a similar effect to this, is very very strong against a lot of things, despite being only 5 damage split. The body, the Rush bonus from Dr. Boom after clearing is insane.
You might say it’s like 100 % easier to build a deck around mechs than just a Pure Highlander deck. It’s not wrong, but you have access to more tools than traditional 2-copies card decks. It loses to consistency. But you also have to remember that Mage has a fuckton of tools to deal with all sorts of things; Control, Aggro, Combos, etc. It has draws, minions, board clears of all sorts, card generating, synergy, …
FYI – Not necessary to read ((Reno Mage was basically the second best Reno Mage deck, behind Renolock. Renolock was slower, but enough to beat Renomage; Renomage could beat almost any deck that Renolock could beat, except for aggro. Aggro could counter Renolock easily because it didn’t have much early game tools, except for Dark Bomb, Voidwalker and Mortal Coil. Renomage, on the other hand, had Arcane Missiles, Frostbolt, a few secrets (notably Ice Block), Arcane Blast (really really good with Thalnos or Cult Sorcerer, and against Tunnel Trogg + Totem Golem synergy), Flamewaker (yep, this mofo), Flame Cannon, Forgotten Torch (basically second Frostbolt and late Fireball), the prenerf Mana Wyrm, sometimes Ice Lance and Mirror Image, etc. All very good tools just for the early games, but obviously, these are not interesting since we’re two years later and cards rotated 3 times already.))
Setting aside the Highlander condition, Reno Relicologist is not bad because, it is very flexible, can kill up to 2 midrange minions (avrg), kill one big minion up to 10 health (a giant for example), kill evenly all small minions in aggro. We can also compare this with Volcano, which is no joke, and this one leaves a body afterwards without killing your own minions. We can also compare this with Lord Godffrey, 7 Mana 4/4 body, clears the board if you setup the gradually ascending HP. Extremely good against Aggro, not so much against bigger minions. Reno costs one less mana, has a better body, doesn’t damage your own minions and doesn’t require setup (in exchange of Highlander). Meteorologist is in fact worse, because worse body, need a full hand to make it just as good, and even if it is aimed to the face, it contradicts the playstyle. If you are an aggro/fast deck, keeping your hand doesn’t make any sense. If you’re a control deck, it is not consistent, because most of the missiles can still go face.
People keep saying that you can’t make a deck around a card like this, because the effect is mediocre. Then don’t. Just make a normal Highlander deck, with this in it. Too much times, we consider that we should make a deck around one particular card without considering the whole picture. This is a support card not a win condition.
Let’s just take the brutal comparison, when Zilliax was revealed, people thought the stats were too weak for the mana. It is a support card, not a win condition. It is very flexible; can be magnetized, can be on its own and heal for up to 6, and defend allegedly from more damage. Im not saying that Reno will be at the same level as Zilliax (this is a neutral card first of all, so that already puts Reno down), but it’s just an example.
@Umbreomancer, respect to you, because we actually think the same (unbiased)
You compare this with Kobold Apprentice and you gotta really wonder how the card design staff actually works.
It would be so much better if it was deal that much damage for each card in your hand to a minion. Like seriously, dumbest card designer ever.
True. But this provides 3 bodies, potentially. Eh, Idk, just throwing ideas.
The Soularium
Im pretty sure someone submitted this as a custom card somewhere months ago
Necrium Blade
Everytime they print a new 3 Mana 3/2 Weapon for any class, a Fiery War Axe dies in its sleep.
Then I die of sadness.
Myra Rotspring
Please no, Priest have enough deathrattles shenanigans cards, especially that One Obsidian Statue.
Reminds me of Ice Breaker. You potentially remove a big target, but taking a fukton of damage.
One thing I’m interested is if it can give you a Lethal card.
For example, my opponent is at 6 health, I play this on turn 10, will it know I need Fireball?