Monkeyman's Comments
Malygos Druid Deck List Guide - Boomsday Project - August 2018
Try a lxid over the 2nd arcane then practice the deck a little my combo is save moon fires draw when you can over ramping with nourish and game
Lxid then faceless finish your weapon malygos double moon fire face
Malygos Druid Deck List Guide - Boomsday Project - August 2018
I use lxid instead of arcane it works better for me because I use 2 inervates to kill because since I get 4 maylgos’s instead of just 2 i do 42 damage in one turn
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond + Heroes of StarCraft (March 2025)
Just copy your deck then go to the deckbuilder page and paste it in then post the link on a reply?
Hey guys i just nade this for some fun if anyone would like to test it out in higher ranks for me i have played a few games with it at rank 20 and 19 and won most of them
You can get the same effect with lxid I run lxid and deal 42 with moonfires o always get 4 malygos