Moltar's Comments
Phantom Freebooter
I guess a little sarcasm and hearthstone don’t go along.
Yet, the game is getting another good pirate.
Phantom Freebooter
Is this real? The text just looks wrong.
Stats? What are stats? Health and attack?
“Equal to your weapon’s” what? Stats? What are weapon stats? Attack and durability?
How can a minion gain attack and durability?
Meat Wagon
Might go well in inner fire priest and with cards that swap stats like confuse, crazed alchemist and the other 4/4/4 guy.
Animated Berserker
Haha that would be so OP, 6 mana: fill your board with 3/2 minions.
You know that after playing wickerflame, those keywords wont be in your deck, right?