MemyselfandI's Comments
Quest Deathrattle Priest
I’d drop both Twilight Summoners and and Potion of Madness for 2 Dragonfire Potions and Spiritsinger Umbra.
Quest OTK (Antonidas) Freeze Mage
I think not running Shimmering Tempest and another Loot Hoarder are both mistakes. I think you don’t need 2 Cabalist’s Tome in order to truly streamline the deck, either. You could cycle 30 cards in 15 turns if you really wanted to.
Reno Mage(W/O Reno) Theory
Arcane Blast is from the TGT set, which is rotating out with the release of Journey to Un’Goro.
[MSG] Aggro Token Druid
Pilfered Power and Wisps of the Old Gods are anti-tempo and don’t fit in this deck. I think you could replace them with 2 Mark of the Wilds or maybe 1 and another Soul of the Forest.
[MSOG] Jade druid (theorycraft)
You absolutely need Brann. I’d take out the 4-drop for it, that card is far too slow to get any play.
[MSG] Red Mana Wyrm Miracle Rogue
Why play these and not Mana Addict or Questing Adventurer?
Midrange Dragon Paladin (The Spire)
Ysera and either Lightlord or Alex can replace them. I’d pick Alexstrasza if I were you, because it’s a lot of finishing power and a dragon.
Xixo's Discard Warlock Zoo (September 2016, Season 30)
I always thought that the only discard synergy this deck needed was the new cards. Turns out I was wrong. Darkshire Librarian is working wonders!
Xixo's Discard Warlock Zoo (September 2016, Season 30)
Reason. The card is awful when not discarded, and very rarely gets big value when discarded. The only Discard synergy this deck needs is Malchezaar’s Imp and Silverware Golem.
Midrange Dragon Paladin (The Spire)
Glad you like it! I tweaked 2 or 3 cards to speed the deck up independent of your comment, but thanks for the feedback!
Aggro Rogue ⚔ 2nd week ⚔ 1NiK
Why not add Journey Below? It’s more late-game draw power and helps fill out your curve.
Hoej's Y'Shaarj/Barnes Ramp Druid (August 2016, Season 29)
I think Y’Shaarj has to take priority here. He’s still a 10/10, and can gain your opponent more lasting value than Aviana can. Also, if you have a board clear in hand (like Equality), you can bait out your opponent and make them play their entire hand in one turn.
MemyselfandI's Malygos Shaman (Wild)
Absolutely! Savjz played a ton of it back in The Grand Tournament. Check it out here:
Hearthstone Classic Card Set - Which Cards Could Still Be Nerfed?
Fiery War Axe could get destroyed if you attacked with it on the turn you played it. This way you have to decide whether you want the 2 mana deal 3 damage, or if you want to hold back on attacking for more value.
Moonglade Portal
I think you’re exactly right. Druid can’t afford to have subpar board control capabilities, even with the 6 heal. They don’t have any comeback mechanics, and this card is too swingy to risk losing the board. Good analysis.
This is very, very greedy. Get some Northshire Clerics in there.