mawillar's Comments
How-to Counter and Beat Aggro Pirate Warrior - Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
Love this article and can’t wait for the article about how to counter my nemesis, Jade Druid.
Xzirez's Pirate Miracle Rogue (December 2016, Season 33) - Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
This exact scenario played out in my first game vs Reno Priest. I was within one mana of lethal with Leeroy + Cold Blood on turn 5 and my opponent Reno’ed right after 🙁
Dog's Questing Adventurer Miracle Rogue Ft. Counterfeit Coin, Small-Time Buccaneer
Red Mana worm might be an even better sub for Edwin Van Cleef, as it synergizes with the spells buffing it’s attack damage +2. Might even be better than Van Cleep if you have the conceal to ensure it lives to attack the following turn.
Dog's Questing Adventurer Miracle Rogue Ft. Counterfeit Coin, Small-Time Buccaneer
Thijs made a really good case for Southsea Deckhand instead of Leeroy before the expansion came out. I found the deckhand to be a lot more consistent and mana efficient than Leeroy, especially with getting in your cold blood + conceal combo and also allows you to buff your questing adventurers a little more easily.
I would probably swap out a Small-Time Buccaneer for one Southsea Deckhand.
You want to try and save your vanishes for after you’ve played Valeera.
The combo requires your giants to cost 2 mana or less (ideally 0 mana). You play an Arcane Giant, play the copy of the Arcane Giant using Valeera’s passive hero ability, Vanish, then play one or two giants so you have board. The key is to save at least one giant, so you can copy it again. Rinse and repeat, killing minions or hitting face with your Arcane GIants before vanishing them.
You can combo your zero mana arcane giants with either Questing Adventurer or Edwin to put additional pressure on board.
Best part about this deck is that you have a ton of win conditions, this being just one of them but this is very effective in vs Jade Druid if you can survive that long.