MasterSace's Comments
TrashcanTV's Legend Budget Aggro Token Shaman | 1500 Dust | Rastakhan's Rumble (2019)
I also noticed that the deck really lacks reach and there aren’t really enough overload cards to make unbound elemental and likkim effective, are there any replacements to those cards? I plan to play 3 copies of volcanic burst too.
TrashcanTV's Legend Budget Aggro Token Shaman | 1500 Dust | Rastakhan's Rumble (2019)
So, I have Deathseer, Stormbringer and Electra in my collection, are those worth slotting into this list? I would imagine these cards would improve the overall performance of the deck but I haven’t have enough game time with the deck and I’m not sure if they’ll actually be good in this list
Standout Post-Nerf Rastakhan's Rumble Decks - A Week Later (14 Deck Lists)
Talking about odd rogue and rumble cards, the list can really fit in 2 copies of Saronite Chain Master, it trades well into early 4 heal minions like homonculus and Stonehill Defender, and the 0/3 isn’t that big of a problem between all your 1,3 drops and your weapon anyways, I don’t know how others feel about that card but I personally find it rather decent and it can snowball games very quickly
Odd Secret Mage
Can you explain a bit on why you choose to play secrets instead of neutral staples like fungalmancer?
As far as I have played odd tempo mage I’ve found neutrals like saronite task master, vicious fledglings and fungalmancers more powerful and consistent then secrets, it also concerns me that unlike hunter mage’s secrets can’t curve right into secret keeper, and masked contender won’t contribute to the secret keeper snowball anyways.
Grim Rally
I believe card will be more likely to be seen in a token based warlock deck rather than the more generally expected zoo warlock. The current warlock kit seems to be able to put together a token deck that runs Keleseth/hand buff synergies, I would be really optimistic about the archetype if they release another aoe buff for warlock (or neutral), most hopefully one that’s around 3-4 mana.
Magnetic Keyword Guide - New Mechanic From The Boomsday Project
So how does the magnetic keyword interact with summon counts, like the warrior quest, if you buff a mech originally does not have taunt with a taunt magnetic mech, will it count towards the mission? If you buff a mech already having taunt with a magnetic taunt mech, will it count towards the quest?
Darkness Hand Mage (Boomsday Theorycraft)
Hmmmm, you have a point, is there anyway i can do to improve this deck, within the standard parameters?
Darkness Hand Mage (Boomsday Theorycraft)
Ah I wanted to switch one of the Molten Reflections into an Archmage Arugal but I forgot, and I can’t seem to find a way to edit this article
I meant to say volcanic burst, but anyway, I tested the deck on the ladder more, I could only say that the deck would be good if blizzard never printed k&c… the deck is rather strong but the average level of meta decks turns it into one that can only win games if every single turn is curved out…