Martian's Comments
Budget Secret Mech Paladin Deck List Guide (Rise of Shadows)
It was in there already but no harm done thanks for reading!
Budget Secret Mech Paladin Deck List Guide (Rise of Shadows)
Glow-tron would be fine to include, I would say take out desperate measures. I didn’t include it because you have to take it out to get the most of Kangor’s endless army when you have enough dust to craft it, and because the 2-mana secret synergy cards are so strong you pretty much always want to be playing a secret turn 1.
Budget Secret Mech Paladin Deck List Guide (Rise of Shadows)
Loot Hoarder or Desperate Measures would be the easiest things to cut, and you can’t go wrong between them.
Budget Token Druid Deck List Guide (Rise of Shadows)
Budget deck, no legendaries. It’s the first upgrade suggestion though
Budget Midrange Hunter Deck List Guide (Rastakhan's Rumble)
What are you putting in?
Budget Combo Dragon Priest Deck List Guide (Rastakhan's Rumble)
One of the 7-mana cards.
Budget Aggro Mech Warrior Deck List Guide (Rastakhan's Rumble)
No, I’d run 4 Kor’kron Elite if I could.
Budget Combo Dragon Priest Deck List Guide (Rastakhan's Rumble)
Could be okay, this deck is about high health so I’m not sure. You could try taking out some of the high cost things.
Budget Combo Dragon Priest Deck List Guide (Rastakhan's Rumble)
Sure, you could take out Bone Drake or Wyrmguard
Budget Combo Dragon Priest Deck List Guide (Rastakhan's Rumble)
I wouldn’t recommend removing Northshire Cleric, one of the best cards in the deck.
Budget Combo Dragon Priest Deck List Guide (Rastakhan's Rumble)
You’re welcome! If you’re missing two of them then don’t craft them, otherwise it’s dealers choice really. If it were me I’d probably take out both Wyrmguard. It can be nifty for comboing off of but at 7 mana it’s unlikely to make it back to your turn unscathed, and Matriarch has good synergy with Circle of Healing.
Budget Combo Dragon Priest Deck List Guide (Rastakhan's Rumble)
Sure, your minions kind of curve into it. Just try not to blow up your own board when you play him.
Budget Combo Dragon Priest Deck List Guide (Rastakhan's Rumble)
Your choice of any two things that cost 7 mana.
Budget Aggro Mech Warrior Deck List Guide (Rastakhan's Rumble)
Sure, maybe take out a Giggling Inventor, there’s a lot of Mossy Horror going around to counter it.
Budget Aggro Mech Warrior Deck List Guide (Rastakhan's Rumble)
Take out the six 2-drops, add both of those in then add 2 argent squire, the second fire fly and the second vicious fledgling.
Budget Combo Dragon Priest Deck List Guide (Rastakhan's Rumble)
Depends what gets printed before that happens, but I do think shadow visions is a large part of what makes it strong.
Budget Aggro Mech Warrior Deck List Guide (Rastakhan's Rumble)
If you’re interested here’s a decent budgety control deck based around Dr.Boom.
Budget Aggro Mech Warrior Deck List Guide (Rastakhan's Rumble)
Shield Slam, Reckless Flurry and a Dead Man’s Hand would be decent epics to add in if you have them. Also Blood Knight is bonkers right now because of Giggling Inventor. I don’t know if it’s worth it in a deck like this but maybe.
Start with Knife Juggler and Cult Master, then you’re left with cards people actually play. After that, Mark of the Loa, Microtech Controller and Eccentric scribe are some of the cards that are more preference based, and should come out before you cut anything else.