M4st3Rof7iLt's Comments
Shurchil's Rastakhan Rumble Deathrattle Hunter (feat. Da Undatakah, Kathrena)
Cool idea but not enough deathrattles. The deathrattles that you have are really big and they need to die for Da Undatekeh to gain their effects
Mikolop's #1 Legend Odd Warrior (Boomsday)
You could play Zola, I find her useful in copying direhorns and giggling inventors. Elise is good because she adds a card to your deck holding off fatigue, and the pack generates a lot of value.
Odd control hunter
Whats the purpose of making an odd control hunter when the hero power has nothing to do with controlling the board. Limiting your card selection to upgrade that non controlling hero power seems like and exercise in futility.
True that