lupin's Comments
2020 Announcements Live Recap - Standard Year, Hall of Fame, New Cards, Ashes of Outland, Demon Hunter and More!
Hey Topdecks, are you going to make a craft guide for the hall of fame rotation?
Wild Bundle Now Available - 24 Packs for $15
Well, I bought the bundle and it didn’t go wrong, two legendary, at least ten epics, some golden common and rare. BTW i play wild with secret mage and mech palladin, I was looking bad ganis and patches ????
Please dont pay attention to the other post, I take the opportunity to ask, how I delete a comment?
Wild Bundle Now Available - 24 Packs for $15
Bueno, compré el paquete y no me fue mal, dos legendarios, al menos diez epopeyas, algunos comunes de oro y raros. por cierto juego salvaje con mago secreto y mech palladin, estaba buscando mal ganis y parches
Wild Bundle Now Available - 24 Packs for $15
Thanks dudes for the reply, i have a better idea about the purchase now
Wild Bundle Now Available - 24 Packs for $15
Why isn´t worth to buy just for the dust? initially I consider buying this bundle for the dust to craft the next cards that will going to the hall of fame, please explain me.
Dragon Masters Bundle is Available - Masters Tour Crowdfunding - 25x Year of the Dragon Card Pack + Random DoD Legendary for $19.99
I have been reading about players getting more than one legendary, i only got one legendary plus the free one, and three epics, i always complain about the RNG, but at this point i don´t know what happens with my account.
Deathrattle Rogue - #1 Legend (Flix/Ap3lkuchen) - Descent Post-Nerf
Great deck dude, very helpful since i don´t have, anka the buried and necrium vial.
Why you said:
“If you own a regular playset of a Common card, craft it in Golden. Long story short, even if you own regular copy of a Common that rotates out to Hall of Fame, it’s still worth to craft it in Golden. While the Dust gain isn’t impressive, you end up getting an extra 10 Dust per card. E.g. if you have a regular Acolyte of Pain, it’s still worth to craft it in Golden.”
“If you own a regular playset of Rare, Epic or Legendary cards (so two, or one in case of Legendaries), don’t do anything. You won’t gain more Dust by crafting it in Golden. E.g. if you already own a regular Leeroy Jenkins or two Mountain Giants, just leave them. If you own only a single Rare/Epic, see the first point – craft it in Golden.”
Considering that, sorry if im doing a question that already have an answer but, its not clear to me yet, i have the regular hall of fame set minus shadow form and elven, i will craft elven and both shadow form in golden version, also i want to know if i craft golden leeroy and mountain giants i will receive the golden dust cost of the three cards, in that scenario i will obtain 6400 in dust refund and 2400 for disenchant them, having a total of 8600 in dust? So if that is the case, it’s worth to craft the golden legendary and epics