Likefia's Comments
Saviors of Uldum August 26 Nerf Patch - Dr. Boom, Mad Genius, Luna's Pocket Galaxy, Conjurer's Calling, Extra Arms and Barnes!
I think it will. Dragon Innerfire was not an all-in deck, the nerf just affect T1 cleric, T2 arms, that’s quite big, but it doesn’t kill the deck. I’ve played this deck a little bit this season and it’s quite a slow version of Inner Fire Priest, that’s why i think the deck will not be affected that much.
Saviors of Uldum August 26 Nerf Patch - Dr. Boom, Mad Genius, Luna's Pocket Galaxy, Conjurer's Calling, Extra Arms and Barnes!
big priest was a strong deck thanks to Barnes. Inner Fire dragon priest is one of the most powerfull deck in wild rightnow, but it requires skillfull plays. Big priest was just king of Highrolls and mana cheating. I’m glad the deck is finally dead.
Saviors of Uldum August 26 Nerf Patch - Dr. Boom, Mad Genius, Luna's Pocket Galaxy, Conjurer's Calling, Extra Arms and Barnes!
OK, there are 2 needed nerf in the list : Barnes (OMG finaly !!!) and conjurer calling.
Extra arms was extremely powerfull, so this nerf is quite accurate.
But Dr Boom and Luna’s Pocket Galaxy nerfed are just stupid … Dr Boom is insane in standard because it is the only Hero card (let’s forget about Agatha), but it i a fair card comparing its power with DK. Boom was already a bad card for wild, now it is complete trash.
For luna’s, without the existence of CC it would just be a fun meme card. But i guess it deserved a win for being a meme card.
No card went to Hall of fame, so no dust for folks ><"
Hack Warrior - Uldum - 12 Wins Brawliseum (ThatsAdmirable)
You can replace Siamat with Crawley, but if you have no Livewire i don’t even think it is worth trying to play this deck cause your winrate gonna be crap.
Expired Merchant
Everyone losing his mind about this card. But the more i think about it, the more i’m conviced this card is balanced. It is a 2mana 2/1, so i think it is overall a worst loot hoarder because it will not help you cycling your deck, which is insanly bad against aggro decks.
This card will be good in one specific situation ; greedy control against control
It’s good into a quest discardlock, but quest discardlock is trash …
Saviors of Uldum Expansion Guide! Release Date, Card Spoilers, Pre-Purchase Info, New Mechanics and More!
If they are really concerned by the class identity they should also change Desperate Stand into “give a minion reborn”. So far we haven’t seen “Reborn” card that would allow outstanding combo or tempo with the deathrattle tag instead. I think they created this new tag just for commercial purpose, the expension would be less hyped if they had no new mechanic to tease us with. Rush and adapt was necesseray key words, and more exiting ones …
Unidentified Maul
this card is broken, muster for battle level of of power (could be even stronger but the randomness prevent that)
Mage's Death Knight Hero Card Leaked?
I’m French and i can attest the translation is almost perft (if the card is not a fake).
But “your elemnatl get Lifesteal for the REST of the game” might be a little bit confusing (there is a redonduncy, the word “rest of” is not needed according of the mechanic of battlecry) , with this description you might think that all your following elemntal will get the effect (so not including already played elemental), while french description would be more accurate with the fact that all the elemental on your side of the board have the effect.
If my english is correct it would be more appropriate to change the description for “Your alementals have Lifesteal for the game” (battlecry effect)
Barnes-Malygos Time Warp Mage
4+2+2 = 8, not 9
combo can be achieved on turn 7 (with coin) or 8 w/o coin and maybe even earlier if you manage to play multiple coins (burgly bully)
This is insane
Barnes-Malygos Time Warp Mage
If you want to set up a OTK combo using the Time Warp i think exodia mage is a bit better.
Sorcerer’s apprentice *2 (4mana)
Molten reflection (2mana)
Time warp (2mana)
(total cost of 9 mana for the turn)
Antonidas (7 mana)
Molten reflection (1mana)
~infinite fireball~
This combo can in the most optimistic outcome be achieved on turn 9 (or 8 with the coin)
The only way to survive the combo is Ice Block, but you will have at least 1 more fireball to finish your opponent your next turn.
Doss's Beardo OTK Warrior - Ft. I know a guy
Optimistic outcome :
beardo (3mana)
heropower (2mana)
I know a guy (1mana)
heropower (2mana)
I know a guy (1mana)
Coin (-1 mana)
heropower (2mana)
3*8 dammage with hero power + 4 with Sulfuras = 28 (RNG involved)
seem’s a little bit weak to design your deck on this combo ( not even a OTK)
Aggro Hemet Holy Wrath
yes, Holy Wrath damages are based on original cost of the card.
Un Goro Handlock
Emperor thaurissan rotate out of standard, you should change the tag or replace him with a standard card.
I have a beast in my sight !
BGH will be back, in the perfect place for a hunt. There is big dinosaurs everywhere.
Aggro Hemet Holy Wrath
This deck will fail to work. Let’s assume that you have your Holy wrath and one molten giant ( usual scenario, a good one would be to have only Hly wrath, and a really desavantaging one would be to draw both giant before Holy wrath). If you have 1 Holy wrath and 1 Molten in hand, you are no longer able to play Hemet, because you couldn’t play your Holy wrath and your next draw would be 100% Molten giant. If you already drew both of your molten giant you can’t play hemet because you would just discard you entire deck.
SO there is only one good situation : having your Holy wrath in you hand and no Molten giant when you use Hemet (having no Holy wrath and no Molten giant is acceptable)
So if you want to calculate the odds, you’ll see it is extremly inconsistent. So it would probably be better to add a second holywrath, and big late game minion such as Tirion, Rag, N’zoth etc.
The Last Kaleidosaur (Theorycraft - Wild)
Hi, i would personnaly remove Dinosize to add N’zoth (2 clockwork gnomes + Yeti + tirion is good enough), also replace both kings to add Tinkertown technitian (perfect curve with minibot). Sunkeeper looks really weak in this deck and we lack of draw, so maybe we could replace him with a second solemn vigil or a divine favor (good synergy with quest as we will always play the quest on turn 1).
The djinni is a really good idea to complete the quest quicker 😉
Un'Goro Hemet's Holy Wrath
Well, the problem with this current version of the deck is that your only win condition is “your only holy wrath exactly drawing a molten giant” … so this is going to be extremely inconsistent.
(No early game pressure, no midrange value, no late game comeback)
I actually played a Holy wrath paladin since the release of MSG, you can check the decklist, it may give you some ideas.
Hemet, Jungle Hunter
I don’t think deathrattle will trigger, but we either need a confirmation from Blizz or test the card ourself.
If not : This is going to be a niche card for some specific deck like holy wrath paladin or some midrange deck
if yes : this card will be bocken as fuck, and will certainly be nerfed (2 runic egg + 2 firy bat + 2kindly grandmother would be 2 draw and 2 random damage and summon 2* 3/2) attached on a 6/6 body
Praise Dr 6
But i don’t think deathrattle will trigger
I’ve never seen such a misconception of what make a deck good/bad. Dr Boom is completly worthless in wild (i will make one exeption), controle warrior is playable this expension because it got a little push with some good cards in one hand, and in the other hand the meta was dominated with Super-aggro or all-in deck. These 2 archetypes are efficiently countered by control Warrior.
The only usage for Dr Boom is to get anough value to contest Reno-deck.
Just wait until a new combo-deck/OTK is played in Wild (all the previous ones got butchered by nerfed) and your control warrior will go back into the trash bin.