LF7D's Comments
Tickatus Control Warlock - #48 Legend (lasagne) - Fractured in Alterac Valley
but it loses badly to OWLtk 🙁
Forged in the Barrens Rewards Track: How Good Is It and What You Need to Do!
Thank you for your reply, friend.
I think the best option is to reach next level on darkmoon via 1 quest and the rest quests I would keep for the new expansion.
Forged in the Barrens Rewards Track: How Good Is It and What You Need to Do!
Thanks, mate! You cleared it for me, appreciate it.
What about Monday quests (including weekly ones) which we get on March 29th? Should I keep it? What profit will be the next day when expansion released?
Forged in the Barrens Rewards Track: How Good Is It and What You Need to Do!
Hey guardian,
You are forgetting about a simple thing: if you buy any pre-order, you are guaranteed to get 2x free legendaries, and they are getting to your collection instantly after logging in for the first time after expansion launch. And samuro could be one of those 2x legendaries.
So anyone who pre orders, is not safe in samuro duplicate.
Went 4-3 with pure pala.
so for 1000 gold i got f portrait, 180gold, 5 packs and 195 dust.
not bad, but not super good.