LeviHawkenYeet's Comments
Moonstone Mauler
One of the worst mechanics they’ve ever added. Completely uninteractive, you’re not even playing against you’re opponent.
(Live Now!) Hearthstone 29.4 Patch Notes - Dr. Boom's Mini-Set, Balance Changes, New Twist & Arena Seasons, In-Game Event, Bug Fixes
A vanilla 8/8 would be worth ~7 mana. A vanilla 2/4 would probably be between 2 and 3 mana. Massive tempo difference.
(Live Now!) Hearthstone 29.4 Patch Notes - Dr. Boom's Mini-Set, Balance Changes, New Twist & Arena Seasons, In-Game Event, Bug Fixes
8 mana 2/4 that does nothing the turn it’s played. This game is amazing.
One of the worst cards printed in HS history. Think of the god draw. You’ve played two blood treants and two flame imps on the first three turns. -16 health. You then play a 6/6 on turn 4 that gives you 1 health. Thats the only time it’s ever playable. At worst it’s a 6/6 that does 15 damage to your hero.
Hearthstone Patch 29.2.2 Teaser - Big Standard, Wild & Battlegrounds Balance Update
Wouldn’t be surprised if they made Reno 10 mana, Wheel 9 mana or added an extra turn, and changed the dragon requirement for Zarimi to something ridiculous like 12 dragons.
Miracle Salesman
This has been the most played card in the game for some time, and its win when drawn rate is very high. Easily 5 stars.
Clay Matriarch
7 mana 12/16 stats even without taunt and elusive would see play in control. I think this is severely underrated.
Misguided analysis. A 2 mana add X minions to your hand (if x is at least 2, but likely more) is a card every control deck would run. It’s actually much better against agro and hand buff. But terrible against control since it gives them value.
"Reno" Dragon Druid - #1 Legend (LvGe) - Showdown in the Badlands
What happens after you draw the duplicates
(Live Now!) Hearthstone 28.6.2 Patch Notes - Constructed & Battlegrounds Balance Changes, Bug Fixes
Incredibly helpful and informative comment, site admin. Thanks for the insight.
Zilliax Deluxe 3000
perfect + twin + recursive seems pretty solid. a 10 mana 12/10 taunt divine shield rush life steal that shuffles a copies of itself would definitely see play in control decks.
(Live Now) Hearthstone 28.4.1 Patch Notes - Standard and Battlegrounds Balance Changes, Lauching Today!
Thank god for these nerfs. Mill druid was ridiculous and made the game completely non-interactive and unfun. Good riddance.
XL Highlander Warrior
Boomboss shuffles duplicates into your deck , deactivating the Highlander cards. So either he’s a dead card or you have to play him after you’ve played both bran and Reno.
Hearthstone Delve into Deepholm Card Reveals - Reveal Schedule, Full List of Cards From the Badlands Mini-Set
Highlander warrior will be insane
Pushes control warrior hopefully into tier 2