LeonardoFRei's Comments
So now the whole discard deal revolves around the lowest card in your hand + a card that gives you the cards you discarted back that costs relatively a lot fo mana thus reducing the chances of it being discarted
The 2 mana legendary from Un’Goro, the new 4 Mana Legendary that are cards you want to discard
If Silverware Golen was still a thing in Standart this deck would be nuts
can still be nuts in Wild, idk, but it will be decently strong right now I believe, with the cards revealed so far, idk bout Tier 1 but Definetely Tier 2
Hir'eek, the Bat
The only deck I think would use this card would be Zoo, as a safeguard in case they fail to kill the opponent and reach the late game, just like some Face hunter decks would put The Lich King there just for late game value
being said it’d need buffs, so that screws over the Zoo flavor, since nowadays the only hand-buffing Zoo plays is Soul Infusion wich is highly RNG based and it’d need to run that other card whose name I forgot that gives +1/+1 when it dies
granted, if the meta keeps not having many large board clears being used, getting this to be a 3/3 is already more than worth it for zoo, even a 2/2 depending on the matchup
If not buffed, this is literally a worst Onixya
Baited Arrow
prolly won’t see much play as long as Flanking Strike is in Standart, since it deals the same ammount of damage and always summons a 3/3, while this costs 1 mana more, wich is already a huge difference in tempo, and while it summons a 5/5 instead of a 3/3, 2/2 of difference for 1 mana cost, being effectively a 5 mana 5/5 minion Battlecry: Deals 3 damange to a minion
it only works if you overkill the minion
meaning it needs to be at 2 or 1 health
nowhere near as useful, you’re better off just going with eggs to get easier 5/5s for less mana
Void Contract
Yeah, because we have hundreds of games being played all the time so you are bound to get a good discard from her at one point
but it is stil at worst (played first turn with coin) a 1/26 chance of burning the exact card you need to burn, and every turn that passes and every card the opponent draws, the chances get higher, but so does the chance that the opponent draws it, and then you have no way to interact with it be it not Demonic Project, that’s why that specific card is used as the tech and Gnomferatu is just a support and a decent 2-drop witha decent battlecry (also since the opponent is playing a combo deck, they’ll be making sure to draw as much as they can wich just makes it harder to play her and get a good result)
Savage Striker
So, this is Savagery, but costing 1 mana more for an extra 2/3 in stats? this is decent
I’m thinking of this as a Murkspark Eel for Druid, onyl slower, Eel is an extremely powerful card for Even shaman even on the late game, and this card is to be used exactly that
With the scenario that you already played the Druid’d DK, using the HP for 3 attack makes this effectively a Medivh’s Vallet that can only target a minion
But I think the best way of seeing this card would be something on the lines of “Playing this card allows your hero to attack twice this turn, with Immune on the first attack”
for a late game removal it is still worst than the spellstone and other better removal Druid has, and it is not a very good card since all those cards I compared it to could be and were better used in the early game while this needs to be used in the late game for better value and Druid has better removal in that case, still, I think it will see some play now, and after the rotation and druid loses most of the good cards it has, it may be used more for removal then
Immortal Prelate
Well this seems interesting
trying to make Buffadin work again honestly is something I can get behind because it is a fun deck to play and anything to get Baku to show up less
That being said, idk how this card would fare, Buffadin with Lynessa usually works by having a power balance and bait out silence and removal, you buff up your minions to deal great damage to the oponent and then in one late game swopp play Lynessa and buff her up to insane levels, if your opponent silences or hard-removes Lynessa, then they’d need to get rid of the buffed minions by using other means, if they wasted their silence/hard-removal on the buffed up minions, Lynessa would be neigh-unstoppable
that never worked, it was too slow to work by generating value during the game to power up Lynessa regardless, tho it happened during the Cubelock massacre so everyone had their decks filled with silence and removal
This card specificallys seems interesting because of the role as a secondary-weaker Lynessa, since the return mechanic doesn’t contribute to her battlecry, and serves only to help generate enough value during the game so that you can hold up till the big swing turn, this might be enough to make buffadin good granted they give a small buff to smooth out the curve
And again, this card is good on it’s own without a dedicated buff deck, just one spikeridge Steed and/or one dinosize and this card is completely OP ignoring silence effects, will see play as long as we start playing with even cards again
Void Contract
Idk if that is the case here
Demonic Project is this rotation’s equivalent to Dirty Rat, a tech against decks that depend on specific minions, with a severe penalty for playing it the wrong turn (Dirty Rat would summon a stronger minion than you could deal with and Demonic project removes one important minion from your hand) while both have the chance of getting the wrong minion, thus requiring them to be played in the right moment
Gnomferatu and this card are not like that exactly, Gnomferatu is just a decent 2 drop with the chance of burning an important card, the high number of combo decks nowadays gets Warlock to use it because of the high chance it has of burning an important card, by itself it is not a good card for that purpose and it is only used, again, because of the high number, were this not the case and were it similar to previous metas with strong combo cards that relied on less key cards and weren’t many in total, it wouldn’t see play, as it didn’t when it came out
This card however I agree won’t see play, if you want to get rid of your opponent’s deck you might as well wait for Azari, and it is too slow and too much of a backlash for you to be used as tech against combo, this’d only see play on a deck that benefits for milling the deck, like Mecha’Thun
Power Word: Replicate
It’s a spell
it can get a reduced Mana cost via things like Radiant Elemental
it can be generated by cards like Lyra the Sunshard (if it ever see play again)
and pretty much that I believe, you’d usually want to use it for combo shenanigans so the 5/5 in stats might not matter that much
Mechanical Whelp
playing this on a Doomsayer turn would feel pretty good not gonna lie
Menacing Nimbus
This card seems okay overall
2 mana 2/2 get a card is pretty good, and if Elemental Shaman ever be a thing this will help a lot
Problem with elemental synergy in general is that you need to always play one the turn before playing the elemental you actually want to play, since that is the requirement for their battlecry, Servant of Kalimos is the best one to get more elementals and keep the chain going in case you lack any in your hand, and Firefly/Flame Elemental are good cheap elementals to serve as triggers, but even then it limits it
This is a cheap elemental meaning that it will be easy to combo into another one next turn, and gives you a random one, even if you get a Magma Rager, when you lack an elemental to activate the others battlecry, it’ll serve it’s purpose nicely
overall pretty decent card that might see play outside of Elemental shaman
wich may or may not see play
Chief Inspector
Por isso é um Tech card
Vc só coloca se tiver muito deck com segredos porai
E ainda assim coloca 1 só
Well if you don’t have the Prince this is a decent card to have instead
Plus killing a cube to get 2 Doomguards or 2 Voilords while also getting a 6/8 that can immediately trade for 3 mana is a pretty strong play
Oh Hey Look
More Deathrattle Trigger for Cubelock
An Agressive one at that
Blizzard, you doing drugs?
If so can I have some?
Chief Inspector
Welp, finally some good Secret counter
Eater was secret was actually good against secrets, but only against secrets, it was awful if it didn’t eat a secret or two because of the bad stats, and usually you’d play it to counter things like Ice Block, and since you wouldn’t want to run 2 Eaters in a deck you’d use it on a turn you had lethal, making the stats gains even less meaningful
Vanilla 5 mana 4/6 is not the best thing ever, but it is still decent enough that it won’t make your deck/plays worse by simply including it
Ferocious Howl
At the very best this is a 3 Mana draw a card and gain 10 armor
Card draw is usually around 1-2 mana for each card, so this is a single card draw while also playing 2 Iron Hide, or a single card draw while playing a better version of Iron Hide
Yeah if you look at it by this angle that makes this card really good at the late game (absolutely sucks on early game) especially since Druid has Ultimate Infestation and all, but frankly this card doesn’t seem that good in the context of the current Meta
Druid doesn’t need much card draw right now, with cards like Ultimate infestation, and when it comes to armor gain, Earthen Scales is just a better choice overall, Yeah it requires you to have a minion on board, but it serves as a buff for that minion, costs 1 mana and gives you Armor equal to the minion’s attack, if you play 2 of those in a minion, you’ll have a minion with +2/+2 while also very likely gaining way more than 10 armor
While one of this card can have almost the same effect as 2 Earthen Scales, making it more value, Earthen Scales has immediate impact on the board, and gives you more armor
not that this is strictely a bad card, is just that we have already a better card for both it’s effects, unless the druid decks have enough space for it alongside those other cards, it won’t see much play I believe
Worgen Abomination
The way you worded it seemed like you said “2/5 for 7 mana”
how would this nerf Quest Shaman?
Also kind of weird saying like if this card existence is solely for that purpose