lekir's Comments
Dr. Mengueche's Legend Witchwood Control Mage
The meta is so bad when we must play a lot of tech cards
Casino Tempo Mage
Yea you can try that way, seems so fun This is just a more competitive version based on Secret Mage. But I don’t like aggro style, so I put in some new stuff to play the longer game.
Shifting Scroll
Using 1 Shifting Scroll in a Combo/Control deck seems good. No need to use it right way, just wait until it transform into something like Frost Nova, Blizzard or Arcane Intellect. Do you see the idea?
Deck of Wonders
So how often do you play a casino deck like that? and which rank are you at?
Leyline Manipulator
I’m not sure but it seems like you can Exodia in just 1 turn without Quest :
– Step 1 : Original Girl + Simulacrums/Zola the Gorgon = 2 new Girls
– Step 2 : Play this card so they cost 0
– Step 3 : Antonidas + 2 girls + 2 Moten = Infinity fireballs
Vs Aggro : drop Quest and play as Control Mage
Vs Priest : OTK with combo 2 Giants + Timewarp + Alex
BattMasile's Legend Freeze Mage September 2017
How about your winrate against Priest?
DanieLegend's KFT Jaina Elemental Mage - #81 Legend (August 2017)
How about winrate vs Jade Druid?
KFT Frost Lich Jaina Control Mage Deck List Guide (August 2017, Standard) - Theorycraft
N’Zoth could be a dead card if the Pyro stuck at the bottom deck
Tempo Elemental Mage (Season 40) Featuring Molten+N'zoth
Can I go legend with this deck?
HandMAGE [Update new cards]
Because I can summon Mountain Giant in turn 4 or 5, and next turn Faceless, the game will end very soon if opponent can’t remove it
HandMAGE [Update new cards]
I think you should try 1 more Volcanic Poison and 1 more Flamestrike or Forbidden Flame maybe
This deck is incredible =))