ldstiger's Comments
Mozaki OTK Mage - #2 Legend (DeadDraw) - Darkmoon Races
Blizz sets up the rules. If you don’t like ’em, don’t play… it’s a simple as that.
How about the Galakrond warrior? That’s pretty good against aggro. Pump up the armor, lots of board clears with Barov and Brawl. Shield Slam for those pesky monsters behind the taunt…
Bah! I say… bah … to your whining.
Replicat-o-tron Libram Paladin - Legend (topopablo11) - Outland
Can we get some mulligan suggestions and a quick strategy guide? Most of the Libram Pallys I’ve seen are the murloc variety.
Please and thank you.
Face Hunter - Grandmasters (Firebat) - Ashes of Outland
I like it. I have only played 3 matches with it, but it’s very easy to get the hang of. Granted, these were casual, so I may not have faced the full brunt of ranked play, but I so far, I’m diggin’ it.
I disagree. I have crafted and played this deck and it’s legit. In my experience, it does NOT struggle in the mid game.
Many of the meta decks are rush/aggro … and this deck handles them just perfectly. Of course, this deck SHINES against control decks.
I am happy I crafted it and tried it out.