LazyTitanftMadB's Comments
New Battlegrounds Heroes (Master Nguyen and Cariel Roame) No Longer Available Each Game Due To A Bug
Masters Tour Silvermoon Starts Today! Viewers Guide + YouTube Drops Information
Yeah you have to watch the stream live. You can however just open a tab and do other things. You don’t have to actively watch the stream. The first time it took really long before the rewards dropped in game, but now you should have it within an hour. If that’s not the case, don’t worry just wait till the next day.
Shop Update: New Targeted Standard, Wild & Year of the Phoenix Bundles Now Available
Correction, in Bob’s Bargain are 24 packs.
Shop Update: New Targeted Standard, Wild & Year of the Phoenix Bundles Now Available
I see Tavern Special – 2 legendaries and 20 Forged in the Barrens packs. And Bob’s Bargain – 2 legendaries and 20 Wild Packs. Both are priced €19,99.
Top Standard & Wild Legend Decks - Forged in the Barrens Week 6 - May 2021
I would probably go for Moonfang or Lake Thresher, but I don’t know if that works out.
Are Control Decks Any Good in Forged in the Barrens?
Sounds interesting. Do you mind sharing the deck code?
Huge Duels Content Update Coming in 20.0 - New Rotation, New Passive Treasures, Balance Changes, Ban List and Easier Unlocks
The above mentioned patch will go live on the 25th of March (so in two days). The new Expansion, Forged in the Barrens, will launch on 30th of March (next week Tuesday).
Wretched Tiller + Hysteria Combo Nerf Is Coming Next Week
Isn’t Pint Size Potion only for enemy minions?
Top Standard & Wild Legend Decks - Darkmoon Faire Week 7 - January 2021
Old Guardian just posted an article with all of the control decks that (can) work.
Rewards Track Update - Official Statement from Game Director Ben Lee
F*ck my luck then. Opened 61 packs, got three legendaries. Non-golden. On average it’s maybe above what the drop-rates would predict, but common the drop-rate is ridiculous in it’s own way. Every expansion there are more epics and legendaries needed for meta decks.
Hearthstone Quest Guide - How New Daily & Weekly Quests Work, List of All Quests With Rewards
The first time I logged in after they introduced the new progression system I got something that seemed like a quest – Play three games for one legendary and three classic packs. But I don’t seem to get this reward after completing the requirements. I didn’t see the ‘quest’ in the row of quests either, so I think it might be an error. Just wanted to check if anyone else had the same thing happening.
Twitch Drops for Duels Early Access Now Available Across the Entire Hearthstone Category
Hahaha join the club. I never win anything.
5x Madness at the Darkmoon Faire Pre-Purchase Giveaway! (45 Packs + Legendary Card + Card Back + Duels Early Access)
Thanks for the giveaway contests. Good luck to everyone.
Evocation and Solarian Prime Nerfs Coming Next Week
Evocation gives you a full hand of possible answers for the board. Renew let’s you discover from a giant pool of cards, which hardly ever let’s you take care of the full board. But if they would make renew 2 mana, in some aspects that’s fair. In my eyes it’s not comparable to getting a hand full of cards, but that’s just me. I also don’t see why they need to nerf two Priest cards just because Evocation is going to be two mana. Mage will still have ways to get it, just not 3 – 4 times in one match anymore. Don’t see why that is such a bad thing. The RNG in Mage is super high. I for one am glad they changed Evocation and Prime. However, I still find it annoying that you can discover it with Primordial Studies, but since it will cost 9 you can use it less I guess. We will see.
What Is a "Created by" Meta and Is It Really That Bad?
Funny that you hate priest for that reason. Mage has the most ‘created by’ and RNG cards in the game right now. Every game that I play they get at least 2 Evocations, through either their wandmaker, cobalt spelkin or even magic trick. Then they get almost every game at least 2 astromancer solarian with primordial studies. And wand tief and mana cyclone to round the RNG round off. With astromancer solarian and evocation being able to answer the board so many of the times. I don’t really feel that Priest has more or better ‘created by’ cards. So I don’t really see why you hate that class. Most cards of Priest just delay the board. Unless you get the renew and sometimes you discover a good answer for the board.
I like the ‘created by’ cards on itself because it creates flexibility and you still need to make a decision on take something that helps right now or the long haul (for which you need to know your opponents deck and what they might play next). As where Evocation and Astromancer Solarian are no-brainers. To conclude, it’s fine or maybe even better if there is less RNG. For me losing because of RNG really takes the fun out of the game.
How to Play Mindrender Illucia - When Swapping Hands is Beneficial
Thanks for the article. Interesting read and useful tips
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond + Heroes of StarCraft (February 2025)
How come TempoStorm has a different tier list (and sometimes other cards) than this list? Just interested to learn where the difference lies.
Last Chance to Disenchant Mindrender Illucia for Full Dust Amount (September 1)
@Stonekeep or other Hearthstonetop deck authors, is it an idea to dedicate an article to when Mindrender Illucia is best to be played or at least which explains why she is so good. When her cost was two mana I can see why she was good, but now you barely get anything good without sacrificing also a good card from your hand. If you play it early game, you don’t get more than a token (and that is already if you are lucky) and if you mulliganed right against an aggro deck they can use your AoE against you. You can’t disrupt the Druid turn 4 like before. I’m far from a pro player, but the card only won me two games where I managed to take the spell damage minion from Mage and a Sorcerer Apprentice and cleared there whole hand and I could OTK them with their own hand. The other time was against a Malygos Druid when I took both moonfires and he already burned the rest. I now cut it from my highlander deck and it seems to work just fine. My deck cannot compete with the aggro rogues. For our mere mortals an article of why this card is good and should (still) be included in a Priest deck would be educational.
Playing Adventure Before Legendary Quest Bug - A Fix is Coming Soon! (Update: Early Next Week)
Happy that it is getting solved, but early next week is a long time for a quest to take up a slot when you can only have three quests in total.
I still queue up against people that can play Master Nguyen. Like 4xdrive mentions, having the one time hero powers is really OP.